Services for Borderline Personality Disorder
Dear South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),
1. How many individuals have been given the diagnosis Borderline Personality Disorder within your Trust over the past 5 years, stated by year, up until March 1st 2016.
2. (I) Please outline specifically, in detail, your Trust’s criteria for a client to be offered comprehensive Dialectical Behaviour Therapy within Trust services (excluding outside organisations.)
(II) Are only those deemed ‘of greatest clinical need’ offered comprehensive dialectical behaviour therapy within Trust services or are all those with the diagnosis BPD offered comprehensive DBT within Trust services?
3. (I) How many patients are currently in receipt of comprehensive DBT within your Trust services?
(II) For those offered comprehensive DBT within Trust services please outline in what manner those services are offered eg in a group, one to one, telephone calls or all of the above- and please include the duration and frequency of provision.
(III) If other services such as Mentalization are offered as well as or instead of DBT within Trusts services please explain the criteria for this, in what manner it is delivered, frequency and duration.
4. If there is a criteria for receiving DBT within Trust services; for those who do not meet it, please outline specifically, in detail, what is offered to those individuals within your Trust. (Please do not detail services which are not specifically for BPD needs.) If more than one service is offered please outline all.
5. (I) Does your Trust tender out services related to DBT skills or DBT therapy or other BPD services to outside providers and if so please provide the name/s of this provider/providers.
(II) If the above answer is ‘yes’ what is the criteria for a patient receiving these services?, and, does receipt of these services exclude a patient from receiving Trust services or can a patient receive both?
Yours faithfully,
Joan Corrigan
Dear Ms Corrigan
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Information relating to Services for
Borderline Personality Disorder
Thank you for your letter regarding the above. Your request was received
on 10^th March 16, and I am dealing with it under the terms of the above
The leaflet attached tells you about the legislation and the procedures we
will follow in handling your request.
If you have any queries about this letter, please do not hesitate to
contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any
future communications.
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
Dear Information Governance,
I believe that by allowing for the 2 bank holidays over Easter the FOI which I made should have been answered by today, Tue 12 April 2016 (I appreciate it's possible that perhaps there are more days classed as bank holidays over Easter which I am unaware of.) The limit is 20 working days and I'd be really grateful if you could get back to me with the answers to my questions as soon as possible.
Many Thanks,
Yours sincerely,
Joan Corrigan
Dear Ms Corrigan
I refer to your email of 12 April 2016, in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
Please accept my apologies for not contacting you yesterday.
I have received a response from the Adult Services Directorate, regarding
your request.
However, in order to provide a full and accurate response, I required
clarification from the Directorate, which I am currently processing.
As explained in paragraph six of the leaflet enclosed with my
acknowledgement email, occasionally it is necessary to extend our 20
working day time limit for issuing a response. I hope to have a full
response to your request in the next 5 working days.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require anything further.
Kind regards
Information Governance Department
Dear Ms Corrigan
Please see attached response from South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust in relation to your request for information received on 10 March 2016.
Thank you for your patience, it is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
Information Governance Department
Telephone Nos: 028 91512232/028 91512203/028 91512210
Email: [email address]
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