Serious incidents and harm
Dear North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust,
I am requesting the following information in relation to patient safety processes at your Trust.
How many Serious Incidents your Trust declared between the 1 April 2017 and the 31 March 2018. Please express by month in tabular form.
How many of those Serious Incidents were classified as near misses. Please express by month in tabular form.
How many of those Serious Incidents related to information governance breaches. Please express by month in tabular form.
How many of those Serious Incidents resulted in actual harm. Please express by month in tabular form.
How many of those Serious Incidents which resulted in actual harm were classified as severe harm. Please express by month in tabular form.
Does your Trust comply fully with the NHS criteria for declaring a Serious Incident, including near misses and information governance breaches
How many Serious Incidents your Trust declared between the 1 April 2017 and the 31 March 2018 that have been report to your CCGs. Please express by month in tabular form.
Has your Trust participated in any form of risk summit, quality summit or similar event run by either NHS Improvement or NHS England between the 1st January 2018 and the 31 May 2018
If so, can you please provide the recommendations from that event.
Yours faithfully,
fra stevenson
I attach our acknowledgement of your FOI request.
Audrey Turnbull
Governor Support Officer | Chief Executive’s Directorate
Direct Line: 0191 430 2036
North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Bernicia House | Goldcrest Way | Newburn Riverside Business Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne | NE15 8NY | 0191 430 2000
Unmatched quality of care every time we touch lives
CQC rated good
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The North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust accepts no responsibility or liability for the contents of this email or any changes made after the original email. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the sender and do not necessarily represent those of the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust unless otherwise specifically stated. If you are not the intended recipient (or responsible for delivery) of this email and its attachments, please notify the sender and delete the email and any copies made. The confidentiality of this email cannot be guaranteed unless the contents are exempt from the FOI Act 2000.
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I attach our response to your FOI request.
Audrey Turnbull
Governor Support Officer | Chief Executive’s Directorate
Direct Line: 0191 430 2036
North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Bernicia House | Goldcrest Way | Newburn Riverside Business Park
Newcastle Upon Tyne | NE15 8NY | 0191 430 2000
Unmatched quality of care every time we touch lives
CQC rated good
[1] | [2]Twitter: @NEAmbulance | [3]Facebook:
The North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust accepts no responsibility or liability for the contents of this email or any changes made after the original email. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the sender and do not necessarily represent those of the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust unless otherwise specifically stated. If you are not the intended recipient (or responsible for delivery) of this email and its attachments, please notify the sender and delete the email and any copies made. The confidentiality of this email cannot be guaranteed unless the contents are exempt from the FOI Act 2000.
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