Requests similar to 'SEND Data'

Request sent to Delta Academies Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .

Awaiting classification

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Request sent to Ormiston Academies Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .

Long overdue

Please pass this request to each specific secondary school in the trust. I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the f...
Request sent to Oasis Community Learning by Chloe Osmorne on .

Awaiting classification

I have previously sent a Freedom of Information request to a number of your schools. However, please could the trust deal with this request. Please for...
Request sent to Astrea Academy Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .

Long overdue

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Request sent to North Star Community Trust Limited by Chloe Osmorne on .


I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For each specifi...
Request sent to Harris Federation by Chloe Osmorne on .

Awaiting classification

Please forward this request to each Harris Federation secondary school. I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the fo...
Request sent to Swale Academies Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .


I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For each specifi...
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .


I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For each specifi...
Request sent to City of London Academies Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .

Awaiting classification

Please forward this Freedom of Information request to all schools in your trust. I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gath...
Request sent to E-ACT by Chloe Osmorne on .

Long overdue

I am requesting data from each specific E-ACT secondary school. Therefore, please pass this Freedom of Information request to each specific school. I...
Request sent to ARK Schools by Chloe Osmorne on .

Partially successful

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For each specifi...
Request sent to Harris Academy Peckham by Chloe Osmorne on .

Long overdue

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Request sent to Harris Academy Merton by Chloe Osmorne on .

Long overdue

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Request sent to Outwood Grange Academies Trust by Chloe Osmorne on .

Partially successful

Please pass this request to each Outwood Academy secondary school. I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the followi...
Request sent to Oasis Academy Hadley, Enfield by Chloe Osmorne on .

Long overdue

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Request sent to Kingsdale Foundation School by Chloe Osmorne on .

Awaiting classification

I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Request sent to Holland Park School, London by Chloe Osmorne on .


I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could I h...
Minutes of Governors' meetings
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .


Dear Mr Roberts   Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).   I refer to your request for information dated 11 June...
Independent Schools Council correspondence
Response by Department for Education to Jim Fitzpatrick on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Fitzpatrick,   Thank you for your request for information, which was received on the 7^th of December 2022. You requested: Could I pleas...
Governing body minutes
Response by Teddington School, Teddington to Jane Felsham on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jane Felsham, Please find attached documents to satisfy the below request. If you are not satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with yo...
Governors' minutes and Ofsted
Response by JFS to David Roberts on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Roberts   Your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).   I refer to your request for information dated 17 June...
Students toilet facilities
Response by Hinchingbrooke School, Huntingdon to Bev White on .


Dear Bev,   Please find below and attached the information you requested under the freedom of information request you sent through on 14^th May 20...
Meeting Minutes
Response by Budehaven Community School (Cornwall) to Lucy Wilson on .


Good morning Lucy I do apologise - I thought they had been put up. Please see attached and I'll email our reprographics department to ensure they ar...
Dear Ms Mallen   Re your request under the Freedom of Information Act, I have attached:   o Copies of minutes from the last three meetings of t...
NCC and The Wherry school post 16
Response by Norfolk County Council to R. Knowles on .

Awaiting classification

Dear R Knowles   Freedom of Information Request ENQ- 561188-D3Y9J9   I refer to your request for information dated 18 May 2022.   You asked...