Dear Aspiration Academy Trust,
I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For each specific secondary school in your trust...
Please could I have the following data for the academic year 2022/23. If this data request exceeds the 18 hour working limit then please limit categories to “All pupils”, “SEN support” and “EHCP”.
Number of pupils in Years 7 to 11 (and Y12 and Y13, if applicable)- categorised by year group
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Overall number of fixed-term suspensions (include sixth form if the school operates one)
Overall number of isolation punishments (include sixth form if the school operates one)
…Please could you categorise the following…
Number of pupils who received at least one fixed-term suspension
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who received at least one isolation punishment
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who were permanently excluded
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who left the school/ were removed from the register (Years 7-11), this doesn't include pupils who left the school after exams.
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who left the school/ were removed from the register (Years 12-13), this doesn't include pupils who left the school after exams.
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of complaints made about SEND provision/ support for child
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Yours faithfully,
Chloe Osmorne
Dear Chloe Osmorne,
Re: Freedom of Information Request
We acknowledge your Freedom of Information request, sent to us by email on
the 19 February 2024.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are required to respond to
you within 20 school days. We will therefore respond to you no later than
18 March 2024.
Yours sincerely,
Aspirations Academies Trust
World Business Centre 3 | Newall Road | Hounslow | Middlesex | TW6 2TA
T: 020 7360 4400
E: [1][Aspiration Academy Trust request email]
W: [2]
The Aspirations Academies Trust is a company registered in England &
Wales. Registered no. 07867577. Registered office: Tachbrook Road |
Feltham | TW14 9PE
Dear Chloe Osmorne
Re: Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your email with Freedom of Information request dated 19th
February 2024. We have set out our responses in the attached spreadsheet.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your
original letter and should be addressed to: Aspirations Academies Trust,
World Business Centre 3, Newall Road, Hounslow TW6 2TA. Please provide
full details of the reasons why you believe your request was not handled
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
Aspirations Academies Trust
World Business Centre 3 | Newall Road | Hounslow | Middlesex | TW6 2TA
T: 020 7360 4400
E: [1][Aspiration Academy Trust request email]
W: [2]
The Aspirations Academies Trust is a company registered in England &
Wales. Registered no. 07867577. Registered office: Tachbrook Road |
Feltham | TW14 9PE
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 at 15:06, Chloe Osmorne <[3][FOI #1089486 email]>
Dear Aspiration Academy Trust,
I’m a member of the “Not Fine in School” group. I would like to gather
the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For each specific secondary school in your trust...
Please could I have the following data for the academic year 2022/23. If
this data request exceeds the 18 hour working limit then please limit
categories to “All pupils”, “SEN support” and “EHCP”.
Number of pupils in Years 7 to 11 (and Y12 and Y13, if applicable)-
categorised by year group
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Overall number of fixed-term suspensions (include sixth form if the
school operates one)
Overall number of isolation punishments (include sixth form if the
school operates one)
…Please could you categorise the following…
Number of pupils who received at least one fixed-term suspension
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who received at least one isolation punishment
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who were permanently excluded
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who left the school/ were removed from the register
(Years 7-11), this doesn't include pupils who left the school after
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils who left the school/ were removed from the register
(Years 12-13), this doesn't include pupils who left the school after
All pupils
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Number of complaints made about SEND provision/ support for child
Of which, are pupils with SEN support
Of which, are pupils with ASD
Of which, are pupils with SEMH
Of which, are pupils with ADHD
Of which, are pupils with an EHCP
Yours faithfully,
Chloe Osmorne
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #1089486 email]
Is [5][Aspiration Academy Trust request email] the wrong address for
Freedom of Information requests to Aspiration Academy Trust? If so,
please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published
on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses
will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Aspirations Info,
Thank you for your response. Is it possible to get the name of each academy?
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Chloe Osmorne
Good morning Chloe,
Please find an updated spreadsheet attached with school names added next
to the data.
Aspirations Academies Trust
World Business Centre 3 | Newall Road | Hounslow | Middlesex | TW6 2TA
T: 020 7360 4400
E: [1][Aspiration Academy Trust request email]
W: [2]
The Aspirations Academies Trust is a company registered in England &
Wales. Registered no. 07867577. Registered office: Tachbrook Road |
Feltham | TW14 9PE
On Wed, 20 Mar 2024 at 14:45, Chloe Osmorne <[3][FOI #1089486 email]>
Dear Aspirations Info,
Thank you for your response. Is it possible to get the name of each
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Chloe Osmorne
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