SENCO details

The request was partially successful.

Dear Buckinghamshire County Council,

Please can you supply me with details of all the SENCO's in Bucks, including primary, secondary and special schools and specialist units including ARP's
in Excel format .

I require contact details ie. name of SENCO, email addresses, telephone number, postal address.

If the designated SENCO is the headteacher can you please supply
that information.

Yours faithfully,

Nicola Streak

Freedom of Information Mailbox, Buckinghamshire County Council

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire County Council.


Please be assured that your email is important to us.


Your enquiry has been received and we will respond as soon as possible,
but the statutory deadline to respond is as follows:

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - 20 working days.


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Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Team

Do you know someone who could foster?

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If you know someone who might be interested, ask them to get in touch with
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[2][email address] [3]Fostering

Buckinghamshire County Council

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Freedom of Information Mailbox, Buckinghamshire County Council

Dear Ms Streak





Thank you for contacting Buckinghamshire County Council.


Your request for information has now been considered and our response is
as follows:
For a list of SEN Schools, please visit:

For details of SENCOs, please contact the schools directly


If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to get in


If you have a complaint about the handling of your request then please use
the Council’s complaints procedure in the first instance by writing to:


FOI Monitoring Officer

Buckinghamshire County Council

County Hall



HP20 1UA

Or via email: [2][Buckinghamshire County Council request email]


You can also then complain to the Information Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 
Tel: 0303 123 1113
Fax: 01625 524510

Email: [3][email address]


With kind regards


Joanna Kelly

Freedom of Information


Buckinghamshire County Council

Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UA

[5][Buckinghamshire County Council request email]





Do you know someone who could foster?

We offer full training, ongoing support and a generous allowance.

If you know someone who might be interested, ask them to get in touch with
us today.


[7][email address] [8]Fostering

Buckinghamshire County Council

Visit our Web Site : [9]

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