Semi Independent Living
Dear Burnley Borough Council,
We are in the process of establishing a semi-independent living service for care leavers aged 16 and above. To align our services with your council's requirements and processes, we seek clarification on the following:
Registration and Approval Process:
1. Mandatory Documentation: What specific documents are required for registering as a provider?
2. Regulatory Registration: Is registration with Ofsted or the Care Quality Commission (CQC) mandatory? If so, please specify the requirements for each.
3. Approval Timeline: After submitting all necessary documents, what is the typical duration before a new provider begins receiving referrals?
4. Property Inspections: Does the council conduct property inspections prior to placements? If yes:
- What is the expected timeframe for scheduling an inspection?
- How long does it take to receive approval post-inspection, assuming no improvements are needed?
5. Property Standards: What are the council's standards for properties intended to house care leavers, particularly regarding safety, facilities, and accessibility?
Referral and Placement Process:
6. Referral Mechanism: Could you outline the referral process for care leaver placements?
7. Post-Approval Referrals: Is there a waiting period between provider approval and the receipt of referrals?
8. Alternative Placement Channels: Beyond the placement portal, are there other avenues to receive care leaver placements?
Council Expectations and Payments:
9. Weekly Payment Rates: What is the standard weekly payment for providing semi-independent living services for care leavers aged 16 and above?
10. Policies and Procedures: Could you provide a list of standard policies and procedures that the council or Children's Trust expects from providers?
11. Provider Training: Does the council offer training or onboarding sessions for new providers to ensure compliance with expectations?
Commissioning and Contracting:
12. Commissioning Approach: How does the council commission services from private supported living providers? Specifically:
- Do you utilize spot purchasing, framework contracts, or block contracts?
- If applicable, how can a provider quickly secure spot purchase work?
13. Approved Providers List: Does the council maintain an approved providers list? If so:
- How can we register?
- Are there tendering processes for spot purchase arrangements? If yes, could you provide access details?
14. Tender Opportunities: When are the next tender opportunities for framework agreements, and how can we apply?
Current and Future Demand:
15. Accommodation Statistics:
- How many semi-independent accommodations (both shared and solo) are currently available in Liverpool?
- How many semi-independent providers operate within the council's jurisdiction?
16. Youth Admissions:
- How many young people are currently admitted into semi-independent living arrangements?
- How many Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) are under the council's care?
- How many UASC are placed in semi-independent living?
17. Placement Costs:
- What is the average cost per young person placed in shared accommodation with support?
- What is the average cost per young person placed in solo homes with support?
18. Provider Demand: Is there a current need for additional providers to accommodate care leavers and UASC?
Communication and Networking:
19. Council Contact: Who is the appropriate point of contact within the council to discuss commissioning, service provision, rates, and referrals? Please provide their contact details (email and phone number).
20. Provider Meetings: Does the council hold regular provider meetings or networking events? If so:
- How often are these meetings held?
- How can we arrange to attend?
21. Additional Events: Are there other events or forums for providers, and when are they typically held?
22. Service Introduction: What is the most efficient way for a private supported accommodation provider to introduce their services to the council?
23. Provider Resources: Are there specific resources, portals, or contact points for providers to enhance their understanding of council requirements?
24. Application Acceptance: How frequently does the council accept new applications from prospective providers?
We would greatly appreciate any additional information or guidance that could assist us in aligning our services with your council's standards and processes.
Thank you for your time and support. We look forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Adam Caan
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Kind regards,
Burnley Council
Town Hall
Ext -----
01282 425011
[1]burnley council's [2]white ribbon [3]carbon literacy
website accredited award
Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
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Please find below the response to your Freedom of Information request.
“Dear Burnley Borough Council, We are in the process of establishing a
semi-independent living service for care leavers aged 16 and above. To
align our services with your council's requirements and processes, we seek
clarification on the following: Registration and Approval Process: 1.
Mandatory Documentation: What specific documents are required for
registering as a provider? 2. Regulatory Registration: Is registration
with Ofsted or the Care Quality Commission (CQC) mandatory? If so, please
specify the requirements for each. 3. Approval Timeline: After submitting
all necessary documents, what is the typical duration before a new
provider begins receiving referrals? 4. Property Inspections: Does the
council conduct property inspections prior to placements? If yes: - What
is the expected timeframe for scheduling an inspection? - How long does it
take to receive approval post-inspection, assuming no improvements are
needed? 5. Property Standards: What are the council's standards for
properties intended to house care leavers, particularly regarding safety,
facilities, and accessibility? Referral and Placement Process: 6. Referral
Mechanism: Could you outline the referral process for care leaver
placements? 7. Post-Approval Referrals: Is there a waiting period between
provider approval and the receipt of referrals? 8. Alternative Placement
Channels: Beyond the placement portal, are there other avenues to receive
care leaver placements? Council Expectations and Payments: 9. Weekly
Payment Rates: What is the standard weekly payment for providing
semi-independent living services for care leavers aged 16 and above? 10.
Policies and Procedures: Could you provide a list of standard policies and
procedures that the council or Children's Trust expects from providers?
11. Provider Training: Does the council offer training or onboarding
sessions for new providers to ensure compliance with expectations?
Commissioning and Contracting: 12. Commissioning Approach: How does the
council commission services from private supported living providers?
Specifically: - Do you utilize spot purchasing, framework contracts, or
block contracts? - If applicable, how can a provider quickly secure spot
purchase work? 13. Approved Providers List: Does the council maintain an
approved providers list? If so: - How can we register? - Are there
tendering processes for spot purchase arrangements? If yes, could you
provide access details? 14. Tender Opportunities: When are the next tender
opportunities for framework agreements, and how can we apply? Current and
Future Demand: 15. Accommodation Statistics: - How many semi-independent
accommodations (both shared and solo) are currently available in
Liverpool? - How many semi-independent providers operate within the
council's jurisdiction? 16. Youth Admissions: - How many young people are
currently admitted into semi-independent living arrangements? - How many
Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) are under the council's care?
- How many UASC are placed in semi-independent living? 17. Placement
Costs: - What is the average cost per young person placed in shared
accommodation with support? - What is the average cost per young person
placed in solo homes with support? 18. Provider Demand: Is there a current
need for additional providers to accommodate care leavers and UASC?
Communication and Networking: 19. Council Contact: Who is the appropriate
point of contact within the council to discuss commissioning, service
provision, rates, and referrals? Please provide their contact details
(email and phone number). 20. Provider Meetings: Does the council hold
regular provider meetings or networking events? If so: - How often are
these meetings held? - How can we arrange to attend? 21. Additional
Events: Are there other events or forums for providers, and when are they
typically held? Miscellaneous: 22. Service Introduction: What is the most
efficient way for a private supported accommodation provider to introduce
their services to the council? 23. Provider Resources: Are there specific
resources, portals, or contact points for providers to enhance their
understanding of council requirements? 24. Application Acceptance: How
frequently does the council accept new applications from prospective
providers? We would greatly appreciate any additional information or
guidance that could assist us in aligning our services with your council's
standards and processes. “
Burnley Borough Council do not hold this information this will be
Lancashire County Council.
You may, if dissatisfied with the treatment of your request, ask the
council to conduct a review of its decision under the council's complaints
procedure. The review will be carried out by someone who has not been
involved in dealing with your request for information. Please e-mail or
write if you would like a review.
If, following the review, you remain dissatisfied with the council's
treatment of your request then you may take your complaint to the
Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire
SK9 5AF.
Susan Kaewchaluay
Freedom of Information
Link Officer
Susan Kaewchaluay
Team Support Officer (Housing Standards)
Housing & Dev Control
Ext 01282 475883
01282 425011
[1]burnley council's [2]white ribbon [3]carbon literacy
website accredited award
Burnley Council, Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 9SA
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[4]For full details, see our terms and disclaimer.
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