SEES letter 'SA832'

The request was successful.

Dear Sir/Madam

Public body: HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC
Re: Self-Assessment, SEES letter SA832

I would be grateful if you could please forward/reply with a template of the letter 'SA832'. Under HMRC published guidance, the SA832 letter falls under the category 'SEES'.

Please submit this in the original excel format that the guidance claims it is formatted as.

If any of this information is already in the public domain (i.e. you have a portal where you access forms and letter templates), please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.

Many thanks for your assistance in this case.

Yours faithfully,
Mr J Johnston

Dear HM Revenue and Customs,

Following my previous email sent and successfully delivered into your inbox, I am yet to receive a reply in regards to my FOI request. I cannot quote a reference as I have not been sent one.

I originally sent the request on 26 May 2016. I am yet to receive acknowledgement of this request.

I should of received a response in regards to my request by the 24 June 2016.

This FOI request is now overdue.

Please remit a response ASAP.

Yours faithfully,
Mr J Johnston

HM Revenue and Customs

Dear Mr Johnston,

Please accept my sincere apologies for the lack of correspondence on this case. I can confirm that HMRC received your request for information and it is being considered under the provisions of the Freedom of information Act 2000.

Unfortunately there has been a delay in the handling of your request; the statutory deadline fell on 24 June. A substantive response is being prepared I will endeavour to provide this response to you at the earliest opportunity.

Yours sincerely

Peter Harlow
HM Revenue and Customs | Freedom of Information Team

show quoted sections

HM Revenue and Customs

3 Attachments

Mr Johnston


The response to your recent request for information is attached.



John Evans | Audit & Briefing Team | Strategy & Analysis | PTCPP | 19W
Euston Tower | Tel: 03000 593655



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FAO John Evans (Audit & Briefing Team)

Many thanks for your reply, although it was heavily overdue.

Mr J Johnston