Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Dear UK Border Agency,
I sent a request for Sector information of Tier 2 sponsor licence holders on 27th October, 2011 and your department provided me with the required information on 23rd Nov, 2011 , however the excel sheet provided missed out on certain important columns.
I would like to make a new request please under the FOI for all Tier 2 registered sponsor licence holders with UKBA as of 1st Jan, 2012:
I would like the information about the sector each licence holder is operating in Excel sheet format, with the following columns please.
Sponsor name, Industry sector, Town/City, County, Tier & Rating, Sub Tier and website (for those licence holders that have provided one).
It shall be quite easy for your IT department to provide with this data as they just have to change the dates and add the colmuns to get the required data in Excel format.
Please do let let me know if you need any further information in order to process my request.
Yours faithfully,
A Nasir
Dear A Nasir
Thank you for your recent e mail concerning the above matter. We are currently dealing with your enquiry and will respond shortly.
Kind Regards
FOI Team
Dear Freedom Of Information Team ( IND ),
Under the rules you were supposed to provide the information within 20 days; its over that time period so I will really appreciate if you could please provide the requested information ASAP!
Yours sincerely,
A Nasir
Dear A Nasir
Thank you for your email below.
The 20 day deadline is 31/01/12 because of the Bank Holidays during the xmas period and new year.
You will receive a response by 31/01/12.
Kind Regards
Freedom of Information Team
Dear A Nasir
Please see the attached response and separately attached data table
following your request for information.
Kind Regards
Daniela Walker
UK Border Agency
Level 5
Vulcan House, Steel
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Dear UK Border Agency,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of UK Border Agency's handling of my FOI request 'Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors'.
Whenever an organisation applies for a Sponsor Licence, the UKBA online application form does ask for their website if they have one. It’s not a compulsory field and many organisations may not have provided it but many would have. So this statement given in the response "We do not hold 'company website' information and are therefore unable to provide this information." is not correct. I therefore would like to request that UKBA shall provide all the information that I asked for in my FOI request in the required form/format.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
A Nasir
A Nasir
Please find attached a response to your request for an internal review
Diana Pottinger
Information Access Team
Ground Floor Seacole
2 Marsham Street
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