SECTION 47 investigations

The request was refused by Hertfordshire County Council.

Dear Hertfordshire County Council,

Can you please answer the following Questions with regards to this Freedom of Information request, relating to the link below.
1, How many children are on a child protection plan within the LA at present?
2, How many section 47 investigations have there been in the last 12 calendar months?
3, In how many cases where a section 47 investigation has taken place how many cases has resulted in the LA taking no action? please give statistics for the past 12 calendar months.

Yours faithfully,

Alison Stevens.

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

3 Attachments

Dear Alison Stevens


Reference number: FOI/CSF/06/18/15798


Thank you for your correspondence of the 18^th July 2018 requesting the
following information:


1, How many children are on a child protection plan within the LA at

2, How many section 47 investigations have there been in the last 12
calendar months?

3, In how many cases where a section 47 investigation has taken place how
many cases has resulted in the LA taking no action? please give statistics
for the past 12 calendar months


Your request for information is being considered under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.  We will respond to your request as quickly as
possible, and by close of 13^th July 2018 at the latest.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, quoting
the reference number above.



Yours sincerely,




Victoria Hooper

Information Access Team

Hertfordshire County Council

Telephone: 01992 555848 (25848) 

Email: [1][Hertfordshire County Council request email]


The Information Access Team supports Hertfordshire County Council's
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations activity.

Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity

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Please note: I work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.



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1. mailto:[email address]

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

3 Attachments


Dear Alison Stevens


Reference number: FOI/CSF/06/18/15798


Thank you for your correspondence, received by Hertfordshire County
Council on 18^th June 2018, requesting the following information:


“1, How many children are on a child protection plan within the LA at

2, How many section 47 investigations have there been in the last 12
calendar months?

3, In how many cases where a section 47 investigation has taken place how
many cases has resulted in the LA taking no action? please give statistics
for the past 12 calendar months”


Further to our acknowledgement of your request for information, I have
been asked to contact you for some further clarification on your request. 
Please clarify on question 3 if you require ‘no action’ or ‘no further
Child Protection action’?


As soon as we receive this clarification we will be in a position to
continue processing your request. If we do not receive a response to this
request for clarification, within 90 days of the date that this
correspondence was sent then we will close this request and any further
correspondence would be considered as a new request.


In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me, quoting the reference number on this correspondence.


Yours sincerely,




Victoria Hooper

Information Access Team

Hertfordshire County Council

Telephone: 01992 555848 (25848) 

Email: [1][Hertfordshire County Council request email]


The Information Access Team supports Hertfordshire County Council's
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations activity.

Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity

Follow us online:

[2]herts-county-council logo  [3]twitter icon  [4]facebook icon


Please note: I work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.



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intercepted and read by the council. Interception will only occur to
ensure compliance with council policies or procedures or regulatory
obligations, to prevent or deter crime, or for the purposes of essential
maintenance or support of the email system.


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1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Information Governance,

Question 3, How many section 47 investigations have taken place for the dates i provided?
in how many cases did the LA decide to take no action? where there has been a section 47 investigation?
in how many cases where a section 47 took place, how many cases resulted in care proceedings to be instigated?

Yours sincerely,

Alison Stevens

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

Dear Alison

Thank you for your email.

The clarification has been sent to the relevant department and your request is continuing to be processed.

The date for response for this request will now be and by close of 13th August 2018 at the latest.

Thank you

Victoria Hooper
Information Access Team
Hertfordshire County Council
Telephone: 01992 555848 (25848) 
Email: [Hertfordshire County Council request email]

The Information Access Team supports Hertfordshire County Council's Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations activity.
Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity
Follow us online:

Please note: I work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

show quoted sections

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

3 Attachments


Dear Alison Stevens


Reference number: FOI/CSF/06/18/15798


On 18^th June 2018 we received the following request for information from


1, How many children are on a child protection plan within the LA at

2, How many section 47 investigations have there been in the last 12
calendar months?

3, In how many cases where a section 47 investigation has taken place how
many cases has resulted in the LA taking no action? please give statistics
for the past 12 calendar months


after clarification:

How many section 47 investigations have taken place for the dates I

in how many cases did the LA decide to take no action? where there has
been a section 47 investigation?

in how many cases where a section 47 took place, how many cases resulted
in care proceedings to be instigated?


I would like to apologise for the delay with this request and any
inconvenience this may have caused. Your request for information has been
considered under the Freedom of Information Act. I can confirm that
Hertfordshire County Council does hold the information you have requested
and can respond as follows:


We estimate that the cost of carrying out this work for just question 3
would exceed the appropriate limit of £450, which has been specified under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and associated regulations.


To provide this information one person would need to locate, retrieve and
extract from 1640 records, which would take 5 mins for each, resulting in
spending 136 hours of work.


Under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we are not obliged
to comply with requests for information which exceed this appropriate
limit, and will not be undertaking this additional work.

If you would like to consider reducing your request in the light of this
response please contact us to discuss what level of information would be
available within the appropriate limit.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, quoting
the reference above. To find out more about Freedom of Information, please
visit [1]


If you are unhappy with the way the County Council has handled your
request for information you may request an internal review of the request.
This will be carried out by a member of the County Council Legal Services
Team, who has had no prior involvement with the request. Requests for an
internal review should be sent to the Information Governance Unit at the
address above.


If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal review you are
entitled to ask the Information Commissioner to investigate your
complaint. You should write to: FOI/EIR Complaints Resolution, Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9


Yours sincerely,





Victoria Hooper

Information Access Team

Hertfordshire County Council

Room 216a, Postal Point CHN 320

County Hall,


SG13 8DQ

01992 555848 (25848) 


The Information Access Team supports Hertfordshire County Council's
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations activity.

Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity

Follow us online:

[2]herts-county-council logo  [3]twitter icon  [4]facebook icon


Please note: I work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.



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Dear Information Governance,
I am writing to request an internal review with regards to the LA total abysmal disregard to follow FOI compliance time.
Well over eight weeks to surrender no information whatever.
I am now going to contact the Information Commissioner to investigate the pathetic and utter breach of compliance time and lack of transparency within the LA.
Please clarify why it took over 2 months to comply with my request?
Totally not acceptable.

Yours sincerely,

Alison Stevens

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

3 Attachments


Dear Alison Stevens ,


Reference number: FOI/CSF/06/18/15798


Thank you for your correspondence of 31^st August 2018 requesting an
internal review to be carried out in relation to your request for the
following information.


1, How many children are on a child protection plan within the LA at

2, How many section 47 investigations have there been in the last 12
calendar months?

3, In how many cases where a section 47 investigation has taken place how
many cases has resulted in the LA taking no action? please give statistics
for the past 12 calendar months


after clarification:

How many section 47 investigations have taken place for the dates I

in how many cases did the LA decide to take no action? where there has
been a section 47 investigation?

in how many cases where a section 47 took place, how many cases resulted
in care proceedings to be instigated?


Your request for an internal review has been passed to Hertfordshire
County Council's Legal Services Team.  As stated, the review will be
carried out by a member of the Legal Services Team who has had no prior
involvement with the request.  We will endeavour to respond to you by 20
working days, which is  28^th September 2018.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting
the reference number on this correspondence.


Yours sincerely,






Victoria Hooper

Information Access Team

Hertfordshire County Council

Room 216a, Postal Point CHN 320

County Hall,


SG13 8DQ

01992 555848 (25848) 


The Information Access Team supports Hertfordshire County Council's
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations activity.

Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity

Follow us online:

[1]herts-county-council logo  [2]twitter icon  [3]facebook icon


Please note: I work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.



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Imogen Bowles, Hertfordshire County Council

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Stevens, please see the attached letter.




Imogen Bowles

Solicitor, Commercial Law team

Hertfordshire County Council,

County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DN

Postal Point CHO237

T: 01992 556406 Comnet/Internal 26406

We no longer subscribe to DX Delivery Services


[1]  /  [2]Twitter  /  [3]Facebook


Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity


Please note we do not accept service of documents by email



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Visible links

Dear Imogen Bowles,
I do not care who you are, whether you are a Solicitor or not does not bother me in any way,shape, or form.
I am entitled to have an Internal review, if the LA compliance time is breached with regards to FOI Requests.

Yours sincerely,

Alison Stevens