Section 29(3) Data Protection Act

[Name Removed] made this Freedom of Information request to British Broadcasting Corporation This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was refused by British Broadcasting Corporation.

Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

A, How many times in 2012 have you applied under Section 29(3) of the Data Protection Act to get information from Sky Broadcasting (BSKYB) relating to it's subscribers?

B, How many of these above applications under Section 29(3) were granted?

C, How many times during 2012 did BskyB actualy disclosed customers details?

Yours faithfully,

[Name Removed]

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

Dear [Name Removed],

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 28 January 2013. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.

The reference number for your request is RFI20130126

Kind regards

The Information Policy & Compliance Team

BBC Freedom of Information
BC2B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2882
Fax: 020 8008 2398

show quoted sections

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear [Name Removed],


Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20130126



Yours sincerely,

The Information Policy and Complaince Team


BBC Information Policy and Compliance

BC2B6, Broadcast Centre

201 Wood Lane

London W12 7TP, UK


Website: [1]

Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2882

Fax: 020 8008 2398





show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[BBC request email]

Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of British Broadcasting Corporation's handling of my FOI request 'Section 29(3) Data Protection Act'.

You are a publicly funded organisation every request I have made has either been withheld or answered in such a way to avoid the actual question, you are hiding behind exemptions that I believe to be wrong and it is in the public interest to disclose this information to your licence payers are ultimatly it is them who pay for your existence!

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

[Name Removed]

[Name Removed] (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Please read this answer as NONE, don't pay the BBC if they abuse your license fee by avoiding legitimate questions from their forced customers!

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

Dear [Name Removed],

We have received your request for an internal review relating to RFI20130126. The information you requested related to the BBC's use of Section 29(3) of the Data Protection Act. Your request for an internal review was received 21 February 2013. We shall deal with the review as promptly as possible and, at the latest, within 30 working days. If you have any queries please contact us at the address below.

The reference number for your internal review is IR2013019

BBC Information Policy and Compliance
BC2B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane,
London, W12 7TP

Email: [BBC request email]
Tel: 020 8008 2883
Fax: 020 8008 2398

show quoted sections

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

2 Attachments

Dear [Name Removed],


Please find attached the response to your request for an Internal Review,
reference IR2013019.



Yours sincerely


BBC Information Policy and Compliance

Room 2252, White City

201 Wood Lane

London W12 7TS, UK


Website: [1]

Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2883

Fax: 020 8008 2398




Nicolette Myrie
BBC Information Policy and Compliance
BC2B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP

T: 020 8752 6623 (02 26659)

[3]Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My



show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[BBC request email]

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

FOI Enquiries would like to recall the message, "IR2013019 - Internal Review Decision ".

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear [Name Removed],


Please find attached the response to your request for an Internal Review,
reference IR2013019.



Yours sincerely


BBC Information Policy and Compliance

Room 2252, White City

201 Wood Lane

London W12 7TS, UK


Website: [1]

Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2883

Fax: 020 8008 2398







show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[BBC request email]

Peter Jones left an annotation ()

Looks like the BBC really are doing things on the cheap now. An internal review conducted by a lowly IPC adviser?

[Name Removed] (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Peter they just won't admit how they exist on hearsay and fear I have submitted a few requests tot hem and they refuse all on the grounds it may hamper future prosecution, what they really mean is people are gettign wise and they want to stem that knowledge for as long as possible, They can only get stuff off Sky with a court warrant and they wont tell me how many they succesfully got last year the reason is its NONE! I wont pay another penny them till they answer me!