SECTION 20 orders
Dear Nottinghamshire County Council,
Could you please answer the following questions with regards to this Freedom of Information Request.
1,How many children are currently held on a section 20 order?
2, How many children have been removed off a section 20 order in the last 12 calendar months?
3,Of the children removed from a section 20 order in past 12 calendar months . how many of these children were placed into LA care? ? how many of these cases resulted in children being returned to the care of the Parents?
4, How many children have been placed with an immediate family member such as Grandparents under the kincare clause or a Special Guardianship order in the past 12 calendar months?
5, What is the longest amount of time that a child has been left on a section 20 order without going to Court, ?
please give statistics for the past 3 calender's years?
Yours faithfully,
Alison Stevens
Dear Ms Stevens
Thank you for your request for information relating to Secrion 20 orders. Your request was received on 26 March 2018 and we are dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
You will receive the information you have requested within 20 working days beginning the day following receipt of your request, unless the Council does not hold the information or there is a reason for it to be withheld. Therefore, you should receive a response by 25 April 2018
In some circumstances a fee may be payable to cover the cost of copying and postage and if that is the case we will let you know before we proceed with your request.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Further information about your rights is also available from the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 54 57 45
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Act Team
Resources Department
Nottinghamshire County Council
Dear Ms Stevens
Thank you for your request for information about Section 20 Orders. I am
pleased to advise that we are now able to provide the following
information in response to your request.
1, How many children are currently held on a section 20 order?
169 children are currently looked after under Section 20.
2, How many children have been removed off a section 20 order in the last
12 calendar months?
In total, 217 children have ended a legal status of S20 in the last 12
3, Of the children removed from a section 20 order in past 12 calendar
months. how many of these children were placed into LA care? how many of
these cases resulted in children being returned to the care of the
Parents? ; and
4, How many children have been placed with an immediate family member such
as Grandparents under the kincare clause or a Special Guardianship order
in the past 12 calendar months?
The destinations of the 217 children identified above are as follows:
Adopted - 3
Full Care Order - 38
Interim Care Order - 30
On remand, or committed for trial or sentence, and accommodated by LA - 1
Placement Order - 8
Residence Order - 5
Special Guardianship Order - 6
Independent Living - 45
returned to parents - 74
Non LAC Other (including custody and transfer to adult services) – 7
5, What is the longest amount of time that a child has been left on a
section 20 order without going to Court?
please give statistics for the past 3 calendar years?
For children who are currently LAC, the longest period a child has had a
Legal Status of 'Single period of accommodation under section 20' without
going to court is 2,987 days. This is a child with disabilities where we
are working in partnership with parents regarding their
I hope that you find this information helpful. If you are unhappy with the
way in which your request has been handled, then please email the Team
Manager at [1][Nottinghamshire County Council request email] quoting the reference number
NCC-030411-17 and we will then be able to review your request.
With kind regards
Rachel Edge
Complaints, Information and Mediation Officer
Nottinghamshire County Council
0115 9772788
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