Section 106 revenue and joint developments

The request was partially successful.

Dear Hounslow Borough Council,
Under the foi act would you please provide details of the following:

Dear Sir/madam,
Under the FOI Act would you please provide the following

Advise how much revenue that had been generated and received by Hounslow Borough Council by section 106 agreements over the last 10 complete years to 31st december 2010.

provide details of planning department fees and revenue over the
same period

Advise of any community projects or other activities funded by
section 106 income, and which have been deemed or are currently
deemed to be unsustainable

Yours faithfully,

E Keogh
Hampshire TPA

Yours faithfully,

eric keogh

Dear Hounslow Borough Council,

The FOI request made to yourselves should have been replied to by 25th May 2011, would you please advise the reason for the delay and I am therefore requesting an internal review, the complaint will also be forwarded to the Information commissioner

Yours faithfully,

eric keogh


Christine Holland, Hounslow Borough Council

6 Attachments

Dear Mr Keogh

I am in receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 submitted on 24 April 2011.

Section 10(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests should be
answered no later than the twentieth working day following receipt of the
request. According to my calculation the twentieth working day is 26 May
2011. I apologise for the delay in responding to your request.

In response to your request:

Advise how much revenue that had been generated and received by Hounslow
Borough Council by section 106 agreements over the last 10

complete years to 31st December 2010.

Provide details of planning department fees and revenue over the

same period

Advise of any community projects or other activities funded by

section 106 income, and which have been deemed or are currently

deemed to be unsustainable

The Council is able to provide data in response to your request for the
financial year beginning 1 April 2004 onwards. Prior to April 2004 the
Council's financial records were maintained on a different financial
system on which we are no longer able to run reports.

The Council reports on a financial year basis from 1 April to 31 March. I
attach the last 5 years s106 annual monitoring reports which cover most of
the period for which you are requesting information. The annual
monitoring report for the year ending 31 March 2011 which would cover the
period April to December 2010 has not yet been completed.

I also attach a schedule of planning income for the same period.

If we were to collate this data on an yearly basis for a year ending
December this would require a level of analysis work being required that
would result in a charge for the provision of this information.

Most of the information that is provided in response to Freedom of
Information Act 2000 requests will be subject to copyright protection. In
most cases the copyright will be owned by The London Borough of Hounslow.
However, the copyright in other information may be owned by another person
or organisation, as indicated in the information itself.

You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including
for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also be used for
the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for
example, by publishing the information, using it for marketing purposes or
issuing copies to the public will require the permission of the copyright

For information where the copyright is owned by another person or
organisation, you must apply to the copyright owner to obtain their

Should you feel that I have dealt with your request for information
inappropriately or failed to take appropriate action within a reasonable
timescale please contact the Council's Head of Customer Services:

Robert Della-Sala

Head of Customer Services
London Borough of Hounslow
Civic Centre
Lampton Road
Middlesex TW3 4DN

Email: [email address]

Website: (on line complaints form available)

Should you remain dissatisfied following the review under the complaints
procedure I would advise you that you have the right to complain to the
Information Commissioner under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. Contact details for the Information Commissioner are as

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Fax: 01625 524 510
DX 20819

The Information Commissioner has also produced a guide "Your Right to
know: how to complain" which is available from the publications line on
08453 091091 or [1]

Christine Holland

Head of Shared Services

London Borough of Hounslow

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