Dear Scottish Fire and Rescue Service,
I have read on this year's STUC Congress's Programme & General Council Report that SFRS has offered the services of Denise Christie on secondment to the STUC.
Please provide all correspondence between SFRS and the STUC, the SFRS Board or members, Scottish Government and civil servants on this.
Please confirm the term the secondment will last.
Please provide the terms of the secondment i.e who pays her salary, pensionand allowances SFRS or the STUC?
I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Taylor
Dear Mark Taylor,
Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your request for information.
In line with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, the Scottish
Fire and Rescue Service has up to 20 working days in which to provide you
with a response.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
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Dear SFRS Information Governance,
Please pass this to whoever conducts internal reviews as you have not complied with the timescale in the FOI Act.
Also please provide a reply to the FOI request.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Taylor
Thank you for your email.
SFRS Information Governance Team are currently experiencing a high volume
of requests which are lengthy and complex. We endeavour to respond within
the statutory timescales however some responses may be delayed, we
apologise and appreciate your continued patience.
Kind Regards
Information Governance Team
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in error, please reply to the sender immediately and delete the message.
Dear Scottish Fire and Rescue Service,
You have refused to comply with the FOI. You have refused to comply with the internal review.
Is that the Fire Services position?
Yours faithfully,
Mark Taylor
Dear Scottish Fire and Rescue Service,
It appears you choose to ignore my request and not even acknowledge it. I expect curtesy and professionalism from a public body not the service that I have received.
Will you furnish me the information.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Taylor
Dear Mr Taylor
Please find response attached.
[1]pdf icon [2]FOI-19543-2023 Mark Taylor.pdf
Please accept our apologies, there appears to have been a technical error
whereby you have not received the response sent on 18 January.
Kind regards
Sharon Reid
Data Protection/Freedom of Information Officer
Strategic Planning, Performance and Communications
Working week Tuesday till Friday
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Dear Reid, Sharon,
The technical error continues. Nothing was attached to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Taylor
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Dear Mr Taylor
The attachment is a PDF in the middle of the response - can you open this ? If not I shall send by egress secure email.
Kind regards
Sharon Reid
Data Protection/Freedom of Information Officer
Strategic Planning, Performance and Communications
Working week Tuesday till Friday
Dear Mr Taylor
Please find response attached.
Please accept our apologies, there appears to have been a technical error
whereby you have not received the response sent on 18 January 2024.
Kind regards
Sharon Reid
Data Protection/Freedom of Information Officer
Strategic Planning, Performance and Communications
Working week Tuesday till Friday
E-mail confidentiality notice
The information contained in this message is confidential and intended for
the addressee only. The unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
alteration of this message is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
in error, please reply to the sender immediately and delete the message.
Dear Reid, Sharon,
Thank you for the late reply. However I do not accept that your public service can hide behind an exemption for the information requested.
Please pass this to someone to conduct an internal review and provide the information requested.
Please provide all correspondence between SFRS and the STUC, the SFRS Board or members, Scottish Government and civil servants on this.
Please confirm the term the secondment will last.
Please provide the terms of the secondment i.e who pays her salary, pensionand allowances SFRS or the STUC?
Yours sincerely,
Mark Taylor
Mr Taylor
I shall treat your email as a request for a review.
I shall pass this to Carol Wade, Information Governance Manager and a response shall be issued as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Sharon Reid
Data Protection/Freedom of Information Officer
Strategic Planning, Performance and Communications
Working week Tuesday till Friday
Dear Mr Taylor
Please find response attached and apologies for the delay. The SFRS
Information Governance Team are currently experiencing a high volume of
requests which are lengthy and complex and we appreciate your patience.
Kind regards
Information Governance team
Strategic Planning, Performance and Communications
E-mail confidentiality notice
The information contained in this message is confidential and intended for
the addressee only. The unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or
alteration of this message is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
in error, please reply to the sender immediately and delete the message.
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