Secondary School Admissions in Birmingham

The request was refused by Birmingham City Council.

Dear Birmingham City Council,

I am interested in school level data for admissions into Birmingham schools through the annual secondary transfer process.

For each Birmingham school that you hold the data for I would like

Establishment LA
Establishment Dfee number
Admitting authority
Admission criteria
Distance of last admitted pupil, where distance a factor – stating length measurement used (eg. metres, miles)
Breakdown of number of pupils admitted (broken down by criteria)
Total number of applications (broken down by choice)
Number of appeals heard
Number of appeals allowed
Published Admission Number
Number admitted to school
Number of pupils on roll – 11-16, 16-19

for the admission process for children entering secondary school in this academic year and for the previous two years.

I would like this to be in a format that can be re-used, preferably comma separated variable (csv) format.

Once this request has been completed I would like you to add the resulting dataset to the city's publication scheme, and keep it up-to-date in the future.

Thank you in advance. I'm very happy to discuss and assist in the successful publication of the data I am requesting.

Yours faithfully,
Simon Whitehouse

Birmingham City Council

Information request
Our reference: 468133

Dear Birmingham City Council,

Could you give me an indication of when a response to this request will be made please?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Whitehouse

Birmingham City Council

Dear Sir
Thank you for your email.
We have chased the service area and await their response.  We appreciate
your patience.
Yours sincerely
Strategic Services


Dear Birmingham City Council,

Could you give me an indication of when a response to this request will be
made please?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Whitehouse

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Birmingham City Council

1 Attachment

Information request
Our reference: 468133

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Mike Thompson left an annotation ()

This seems very disingenuous to me. They definitely have almost all of this data:

Dear Birmingham City Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Birmingham City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Secondary School Admissions in Birmingham'.

You responded to a similar request made three years ago.

and so I do not think it is reasonable to refuse to provide similar information again now.

Because this data was previously provided I believe that the first line in your refusal "I am writing to inform you that we have searched our records and some of the information you requested is not held by Birmingham City Council" is incorrect. Indeed, it is my understanding that a response to my request could be obtained using a simple report out of a centrally held school/pupil database.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Simon Whitehouse

Birmingham City Council

Information request
Our reference: 468133

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Mike Thompson left an annotation ()

Did you ever get a response to this internal review?