Second-time applications for History BA

The request was successful.

Dear Durham University,

I would be grateful if you could provide the percentage of applicants who are successful in a second application to the History BA course at Durham, after an unsuccessful attempt in the year previously. This is as opposed to applicants who are unsuccessful for two subsequent years.

The most recent statistics would be preferable, please.

Yours faithfully,

Cecelia Knight

ACCESS I., University of Durham

Dear Ms Knight

Freedom of Information Request

I acknowledge receipt of your email below requesting information from Durham University.

Please be advised that the University will respond as soon as possible and in any event within 20 working days.

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance Unit
Durham University

Information Governance Unit
t: +44 (0) 191 334 6103/46246 e: [Durham University request email]

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ACCESS I., University of Durham

Dear Ms Knight


Thank you for your request for information from Durham University. 
Colleagues have provided the information below in response to your


I would be grateful if you could provide the percentage of applicants who
are successful in a second application to the History BA course at Durham,
after an unsuccessful attempt in the year previously.  This is as opposed
to applicants who are unsuccessful for two subsequent years.


41 applicants made an application to V100 in 2017 following an
unsuccessful application to the same programme in 2016.  Of these
applicants, 21 received an offer.


If you are dissatisfied with the University’s response to your freedom of
information request, you can ask us to internally review our handling of
your request, including the application of any exemptions applied.  To do
this, please email [1][Durham University request email] or write to:


Information Governance Unit

            Maple Wing

            Mountjoy Centre

Stockton Road


            DL1 3LE           


Please state the grounds on which you wish the decision to be reviewed and
enclose any other information that may be useful in considering the matter
further.  We aim to inform you of our decision within 20 working days from
the date your request for internal review is received.


If you are not satisfied with the results of the internal review you may
apply to the Information Commissioner's Office for an independent review.


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane






Yours sincerely




David Cull

Information Governance Officer


Visible links
1. mailto:[Durham University request email]