Second homes and long-term unoccupied homes
Dear Shetland Islands Council,
Please treat this email as a Freedom of Information request.
I would like the following information.
With regards to second homes:
1. How many homes in the council area are second homes?
2. Of these, how many receive a discount to their council tax? Please break these figures down by council ward.
3. Additionally, how many second home owners are subject to a reduced rate of council tax discount? Please break these figures down by council ward.
4. I understand that the council is required to spend any additional income raised by reducing the rate of council tax discount on second homes locally, or via Registered Social Landords. How much additional income was raised through reducing the council tax discount rate for second homes in the last 24 months and what was this additional income spent on?
With regards to empty homes:
5. How many homes in the council area are empty?
6. How many empty homes in the council area currently receive a council tax discount? Please break this figures down by ward.
7. Additionally, how many empty home owners are subject to a reduced rate of council tax discount, or are subject to an increase in council tax? Please break these figures down by council ward.
8. What is the total additional income raised by the council by reducing the rate of council tax discount on empty homes, or increasing it in the last 24 months? What was this additional income spent on?
I would prefer not to receive the requested information in pdf format files. I would prefer to receive it in MS Excel format files.
I look forwards to hearing from you in due course.
Yours faithfully,
Ally Tibbitt
Mr Tibbett
We acknowledge receipt of your request for information.
This is receiving attention, and we will provide you with a response as soon as possible.
Regards, Louise
Louise Adamson
Committee Officer
Governance and Law
Montfield Offices
Burgh Road
Shetland ZE1 0LA
Tel: 01595 744555
Dear Shetland Islands Council,
This FOI request is now overdue. Please could you confirm when the requested information will be released?
Ally Tibbitt
Mr Tibbitt
Thank you for your email. I apologise that the Council has not yet responded to your request.
Your request was inadvertently overlooked during a busy period in our council tax section.
I have asked the service to provide you with a response as soon as possible, but within 3 working days.
Anne Cogle
Team Leader - Administration
Governance and Law Service
Shetland Islands Council
Corporate Services Department
Burgh Road
Tel: 01595 744554
Fax: 01595 744585
Please don't print unless absolutely necessary.
Dear Ally
Thank you for your recent FOI request and please accept my apologies for
the delay in responding. Please find our response to your request
incorporated into your original request below.
I trust this response meets your request. However, if you are
dissatisfied with the way in which the Council has dealt with your request
for information then you may ask the authority to review its actions and
decisions in relation to your request by submitting a formal appeal. The
process for lodging appeals is set out in the attached leaflet.
Kind regards,
Avril Manson
Business Support Assistant
Executive Services
Shetland Islands Council
Montfield, 28 Burgh Road
Shetland, ZE1 0LA
Tel: 01595 744067
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