Sea level rise
Dear Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company,
Under FOI can you please provide any briefing papers externally commissioned or prepared internally on the impact of sea level rise on rail infrastructure in Northern Ireland
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Nicholl
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - (Our Reference: FOI1445)
We acknowledge receipt of your email received 20^th December 2023, under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOIA").
You have requested the following information:
Dear Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company, Under FOI can you please
provide any briefing papers externally commissioned or prepared internally
on the impact of sea level rise on rail infrastructure in Northern Ireland
Please be advised, the FOIA allows us up to 20 working days (excluding any
UK statutory holidays) to process a valid request for information. We may,
however, need to contact you if we require any clarifications on your
request. If no clarifications are required, you should expect to receive a
response on or before 23^rd January 2024.
Kind Regards
FOI Team - Translink
[1][email address]
[2]Website | [3]Twitter | [4]LinkedIn
Dear Mr Nicholl,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - (Our Reference: FOI1445)
Thank you for your email received 20^th December 2023, under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 ("FOIA"). You requested:
Dear Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company, Under FOI can you please
provide any briefing papers externally commissioned or prepared internally
on the impact of sea level rise on rail infrastructure in Northern Ireland
Our FOI team have made attempts to locate the information you have
requested, however, we have determined that, in order to best respond to
your request, we must ask for clarification.
Can you please confirm:
• What you mean by “any briefing papers”?
Online definitions suggest that this will be a document, typically short
and directed to decision makers, setting out key issues and a proposed
course of action. Are you, for example, requesting such documents used to
quickly brief a member of staff, or complete reports in relation to the
impact of sea level rise?
Can you more clearly define the kind of document you are requesting
It will also be worth noting that a request for “any document in which sea
level rise is mentioned” is likely to be unsuccessful as it could require
extensive resource to check whether that term simply appears in documents.
• Can you also please clarify what you mean in relation to “papers
externally commissioned”? For example, are you asking for any papers
which Translink has externally commissioned a third party to prepare
in relation to the impact of sea level rise on rail, or does this mean
any paper Translink holds which was commissioned by a body other than
Please note, the more specific your request is drafted, the more able
Translink will be to provide the information you require.
Kind Regards,
FOI Team - Translink
[1][email address]
[2]Website | [3]Twitter | [4]LinkedIn
Journeys and more at
Translink is a trading name used by any one or more of the companies under
the ultimate ownership of the Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company
(NITHC). The Group comprises NITHC as parent company which owns Citybus
Limited (which also trades as “Metro”) (NI009039) Flexibus Limited
(NI006724) Ulsterbus Limited (NI006725), Translink (NI) Limited (NI006673)
and NIR Networks Limited (NI017638) - each of which is registered in
Northern Ireland and has its registered office at 22 Great Victoria
Street, Belfast BT2 7LX; Northern Ireland Railways Company Limited
(NI006929) which is registered in Northern Ireland and has its registered
office at 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7LX; and NIR Operations
Limited (NI021091) which is registered in Northern Ireland and has its
registered office at Lanyon Place Station, 47 East Bridge Street, Belfast
BT1 3NR.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email%20address]
2. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.
3. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.
4. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.
Dear FOI,
First, let me point out the date on which you have requested this clarification 19/01/2024 following a request made on the 20/12/2023.
Secondly you have chosen to ask for clarification on the meaning of "any briefing papers" when the complete request provided clarification. " any briefing papers externally commissioned or prepared internally
on the impact of sea level rise on rail infrastructure in Northern Ireland"
To further clarify "externally commissioned" refers to papers commissioned by NITHC on the subject of sea level rise for the purposes of strategically preparing for the consequences of such rises.
To further clarify "prepared internally" refers to internal briefing papers prepared on the subject of sea level rise for the purposes of strategically preparing for the consequences of such rises.
The level at which strategic decisions would be taken on the basis of such briefing papers and reports will significantly reduce the number of documents considered.
You state
It will also be worth noting that a request for “any document in which sea
level rise is mentioned” is likely to be unsuccessful as it could require
extensive resource to check whether that term simply appears in documents.
I note the section in quotations, it formed no part of my FOI request for precisely the reason you state.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Nicholl
Dear Mr Nicholl
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - (Our Reference: FOI1445)
Thank you for your email received 20^th December 2023 and your
clarification of 19^th January 2024, under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 ("FOIA"). You have requested the following information:
Request [with clarifications]
Under FOI can you please provide any briefing papers externally
commissioned or prepared internally on the impact of sea level rise on
rail infrastructure in Northern Ireland.
["externally commissioned" refers to papers commissioned by NITHC on the
subject of sea level rise for the purposes of strategically preparing for
the consequences of such rises. "Prepared internally" refers to internal
briefing papers prepared on the subject of sea level rise for the purposes
of strategically preparing for the consequences of such rises].
Please find attached a copy of the report externally commissioned for the
purposes of strategically preparing for the consequences of sea level
rise. We do not hold any internally prepared documents meeting the
Review Procedure
If you are not satisfied with this response you may request a review by
writing to the Translink General Counsel and Company Secretary, who has
overall responsibility for Freedom of Information and Data Protection
issues within this organisation. Correspondence should be addressed to the
above-mentioned at: Translink, 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7LX
or by email to [1][NITHCo / Translink request email].
If having exhausted the review process you are not content that your
request or review has been dealt with correctly, you have a further right
of appeal to the Information Commissioner who will make an independent
judgement. The address of the Information Commissioner is: Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. The address of the Information
Commissioner’s Office for Northern Ireland is: 10^th floor, Causeway
Tower, 9 James Street South, Belfast, BT2 8DN.
FOI Team - Translink
[2][email address]
[3]Website | [4]Twitter | [5]LinkedIn
A close-up of a logo Description automatically generated with medium
Journeys and more at
Translink is a trading name used by any one or more of the companies under
the ultimate ownership of the Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company
(NITHC). The Group comprises NITHC as parent company which owns Citybus
Limited (which also trades as “Metro”) (NI009039) Flexibus Limited
(NI006724) Ulsterbus Limited (NI006725), Translink (NI) Limited (NI006673)
and NIR Networks Limited (NI017638) - each of which is registered in
Northern Ireland and has its registered office at 22 Great Victoria
Street, Belfast BT2 7LX; Northern Ireland Railways Company Limited
(NI006929) which is registered in Northern Ireland and has its registered
office at 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7LX; and NIR Operations
Limited (NI021091) which is registered in Northern Ireland and has its
registered office at Lanyon Place Station, 47 East Bridge Street, Belfast
BT1 3NR.
Visible links
1. mailto:[nithco%20/%20Translink%20request%20email]
2. mailto:[email%20address]
3. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.
4. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.
5. Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link.
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