Screens/technology in the classroom
Dear Steiner Academy Bristol,
Please give details of all screens and technology (interactive white-boards, laptops, tablets, phones, mobile devices, any other ICT devices or audio visual equipment) used as a teaching aid in the following classes:
Kindergarten: Beech
Kindergarten: Oak
Kindergarten: Olive
Kindergarten: Cherry
Class 1A
Class 1B
Class 2A
Class 2B
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7A
Class 7B
Class 8
Please indicate other rooms in the school that have screens/technology in them which are used as a teaching aid or otherwise used with pupils during the school day: e.g. handwork room, school hall.
Please indicate what these devices are being used for: projecting text and still images, playing moving images, playing audio, internet searches by pupils etc.
Please indicate where these screens/devices are being used by pupils as well as teachers.
Yours faithfully,
Ms Darling
Dear Ms Darling
I am emailing to confirm that we have received your Freedom of Information
request for:
"details of all screens and technology (interactive white-boards,
laptops, tablets, phones, mobile devices, any other ICT devices or audio
visual equipment) used as a teaching aid in the following classes:
Kindergarten: Beech
Kindergarten: Oak
Kindergarten: Olive
Kindergarten: Cherry
Class 1A
Class 1B
Class 2A
Class 2B
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7A
Class 7B
Class 8
Please indicate other rooms in the school that have screens/technology
in them which are used as a teaching aid or otherwise used with pupils
during the school day: e.g. handwork room, school hall.
Please indicate what these devices are being used for: projecting text
and still images, playing moving images, playing audio, internet
searches by pupils etc.
Please indicate where these screens/devices are being used by pupils as
well as teachers."
We will begin processing this immediately.
Following the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act we have 20 school working
days to either:
* Provide you with the information you have requested
* If we are unable to provide this information. To inform you as to why
we can't provide the data referring to a relevant exemption in the FOI
Following this you should expect a response by no later than the 22nd
November 2019.
If you have any questions at this time, please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Joseph Atkinson
Data Officer
Steiner Academy Bristol
Dear Ms Darling
I'm just emailing in response to your FOI request sent on the 18/10/19:
"Please give details of all screens and technology (interactive
white-boards, laptops, tablets, phones, mobile devices, any other ICT
devices or audio visual equipment) used as a teaching aid in the
following classes:
Kindergarten: Beech
Kindergarten: Oak
Kindergarten: Olive
Kindergarten: Cherry
Class 1A
Class 1B
Class 2A
Class 2B
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7A
Class 7B
Class 8
Please indicate other rooms in the school that have screens/technology
in them which are used as a teaching aid or otherwise used with pupils
during the school day: e.g. handwork room, school hall.
Please indicate what these devices are being used for: projecting text
and still images, playing moving images, playing audio, internet
searches by pupils etc.
Please indicate where these screens/devices are being used by pupils as
well as teachers."
In regard to the Kindergarten classes (Beech, Oak, Olive and Cherry) no
technology is being used. This includes projectors, interactive
whiteboards, tablets, phones, audio visual equipment etc. Teachers do have
access to laptops, however these are for the teachers use only (i.e.
taking registers, responding to emails outside of class etc.).
From Class 1 (Year 2) upwards, projectors are used in class as a teaching
aid. Teachers may use these to project work, educational videos,
presentations and other supportive materials during lessons. These
projectors are linked to the teachers laptop, which will also be used for
registers, lesson planning etc. Speakers, which are linked to the
projectors, are also used (usually when showing a video which is linked to
the projector).
Pupils in all classes are not allowed to use the teachers laptops and do
not have laptops of their own. Although, some students in our upper school
did have access to laptops last year, they are no longer accessible to
pupils. Further, C1 pupils and above do not have access to interactive
whiteboards, tablets, mobile phones (some students do bring their own
phones into school but these should not be out during school times, and we
ask students to leave their phones at reception in the morning to be
collected at the end of the day) or any other ICT devices or audio visual
Rarely IT is used to support SEN intervention where appropriate.
Programmes such as Nessy and Hegarty Maths are occasionally utilised to
support particular children with SEN. However this is done on a case by
case process and is very rare.
Below I have also attached our screens policy which has been shared with
parents as of 04/11/19.
I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let me know.
Kindest regards
Joseph Atkinson
Dear Data Officer,
Thank you for this reply. However you haven't explicitly answered all of my question.
Please indicate which of the classes and rooms in the school have interactive white boards and tablets in them.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Darling
Dear Ms Darling
Thanks for getting in touch.
Just to clarify that we do not use tablets or interactive whiteboards in
any of our classrooms.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Many thanks
Joseph Atkinson
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