Screening and Treatment of Iron Deficiency anaemia
Dear Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust,
I would like to request information regarding the screening and treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in patients listed for major elective blood loss surgery.
In the last 12 months available data, how many patients listed for major elective blood loss surgery were screened 6 weeks prior to the procedure for iron deficiency anaemia? How many patients were not?
Of the patients who were screened and anaemia was present had serum ferritin levels tested?
Of those patients diagnosed with iron-deficiency anaemia, how many were offered appropriate iron treatment?
Below are the OPCS codes to be considered when reviewing major elective blood loss surgery:
K453 W373 M022
K262 W383 L294
K255 W384 L601
H072 W374 L593
H333 Q074 L194
H071 Q075 L295
H336 W403 W371
H073 W402 W381
H074 M025 W941
M341 M021 W401
M343 M039
If at all possible, could you provide a break down for each answer by what CCG the patients came from?
Yours faithfully,
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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
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Dear Mr Holdsworth
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
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a request, therefore we will provide you with our response by 15 April
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number 2020.449.
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Freedom of Information Team
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
The Oast, Hermitage Court
Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
Kent, ME16 9NT
01622 211900
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Dear Mr Holdsworth
With regard to your request for information via the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, please find attached our response.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
The Oast, Hermitage Court
Hermitage Lane, Maidstone
Kent, ME16 9NT
01622 211900
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