Scottish domiciled students

The request was successful.

elizabeth thomson

Dear University of Abertay Dundee,

I would like to request the following information under FOISA:

How many students were admitted to your institution to begin studying an undergraduate degree in each of the last 6 academic years?

How many Scottish domiciled students were admitted to your institution to study an undergraduate degree in each of the last six academic years? I would like this information broken down by degree programme.

How many Scottish domiciled students from ‘Scotland’s most deprived backgrounds’ as defined by the Scottish Government’s widening access policy were admitted to your institution to study an undergraduate degree in each of the last 6 academic years? I would like this information broken down by degree programme.

If you require clarification please contact me promptly.

Yours faithfully,

elizabeth thomson

Freedom of Information, University of Abertay Dundee

Dear Elizabeth Thomson

Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quote the reference number on the subject line above, should you need to contact the University regarding this request.

The University will make every effort to provide you with the information requested; if any clarification is required, the University will contact you as soon as possible.

In some circumstances, it may not be possible to provide you with an answer to your enquiry. Where the University believes this is the case, you will be informed in writing, stating the reason(s).

If the information you are seeking is already published by the University, or is otherwise available to members of the public, you will be sent details outlining how to access the information.

You will be advised if it is necessary for the University to charge a fee to cover the costs of processing your request. Should this be the case, please note the information cannot be released until such payment is received.

If you have any questions regarding your request for information, please contact:

FOI Processing
Academic Registry
Abertay University
Bell Street
E-mail: [University of Abertay Dundee request email]

Yours sincerely,

FOI Processing

FOI Processing
Academic Registry
Abertay University | Bell Street | Dundee | DD1 1HG
E [University of Abertay Dundee request email]
T 01382 308000
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elizabeth thomson

Good evening,

I wanted to send a clarification on a couple of points based on a query I received from a different institution:

1. I am only seeking information relating to the number of new students being admitted to an undergraduate degree programme. ie, whichever year they are entering at - as i realise some will start in year 1 and others may leapfrog into a higher year to begin with. I am not seeking info relating to continuing students going into 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year.

2. By admitted i refer to the number of (new) students who took up a place at the institution (or enrolled/registered) in each academic year.

Kind regards,
elizabeth thomson

Freedom of Information, University of Abertay Dundee

2 Attachments

Dear Elizabeth Thomson
Please find attached the University's response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Processing

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