If phoning, please ask for: Michael Youd
Direct Dial: 01387 734006
Our Reference: MY/FOI270419A
10th May 2019
John Gallacher
C/O What do they know.com
Dear John,
Freedom of Information Request – Scope of NRPA
Please find the answers to the Freedom of Information Request received on DATE on behalf of Dumfries
and Galloway College.
Taking each question in turn, the College’s response is as follows.
1. 3
2. Posts outwith the NRPA are those that were not part of local RPA agreements at the point at which national
bargaining recommenced.
3. 0
4. A pay award in line with public sector pay was applied to these posts. All three posts were also subject to
regrading as one of the executive posts was deleted and the remit, complexity and direct responsibility of the three
remaining posts increased. Pay rises are subject to approval from the College Remuneration Committee – The
minute will be published (once approved) on the college website -
Principal - 1
Vice Principal – 2
0 as a post was removed from the structure during a management restructure in 2018.
I trust the above answers the questions outlined in your request, but should you require any further
information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Should you be dissatisfied with the way in which the College has dealt with your request, you have the right
to ask us to review decisions. This request should be submitted within 40 working days of this response.
Dumfries and Galloway College, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4FD Tel: (01387) 734000
Stranraer Campus, Lewis Street, Stranraer, DG9 7AL Tel: (01776) 706633
Web site
: http://www.dumgal.ac.uk E-mail
: xxxx@xxxxxx.xx.xx Scottish Charity No. SC021189
Principal – Carol Turnbull
Yours sincerely
Michael Youd
Head of Human Resources
Dumfries and Galloway College, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4FD Tel: (01387) 734000
Stranraer Campus, Lewis Street, Stranraer, DG9 7AL Tel: (01776) 706633
Web site
: http://www.dumgal.ac.uk E-mail
: xxxx@xxxxxx.xx.xx Scottish Charity No. SC021189
Principal – Carol Turnbull