SCL Classified status
Dear Ministry of Defence,
I’m writing to request information regarding who was granted classified status among staff at the UK Defence contractor Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL), Behavioural Dynamics Institute (BDI) and IOTA Global please. Please could you tell me when this status was obtained and how long the status applied to each individual. Thank you very much for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Your request has been logged under our reference FOI2019/08514 and the target date for response is 20 August 2019.
Yours sincerely
Directorate of Security & Resilience
Dear Dr Briant,
Please see attached a clarification letter to your FOI request.
Yours Sincerely
Directorate of Security and Resilience
Dear SPO DSR-Secretariat Office (MULTIUSER),
I’m writing to inquire about this delay to my request for important public interest information. Please could you send the requested information as soon as possible? I believe by law it should be provided within 20 working days. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Good Morning. Please see attached clarification letter in response to
your FOI request. Once you have clarified your request, we will be
pleased to consider it again.
Yours Sincerely,
Directorate of Security and Resilience
Dear SPO DSR-Secretariat Office (MULTIUSER),
Thank you for your recent reply (FOI2019/08514), requesting clarification. I had already send a clarification in response and I apologise if for some reason you may not have received this. I am sending again my clarification again of 'classified status' as per your request:
Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) and/or IOTA Global (a related company) were placed on the List X database which applies to contractors carrying out work that bears a UK Government classification of SECRET or above. The classification is applied to individuals or groups of individuals and not the whole company. Therefore it is my understanding that individuals within the company must have undergone security checks. I believe individuals are classified by UK Government as follows: Counter Terrorist Check (CTC), Security Check (SC), Developed Vettin: (DV) and Enhanced DV (, and that there are different time limits for renewal of each of these security checks for individuals in companies with List X status ( This is the 'classified status' I referred to in my initial request. I am interested in the dates from 2005-2018, and how many individuals it applied to, which individuals and for how long please? Please could this include specific dates when the status was granted/removed please. Very grateful for your time.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Your request has been logged under our reference FOI2019/09830 and the target date for response is 25 September 2019.
Yours sincerely
Directorate of Security & Resilience
Richard Chinnon I SPO DSR Sec
Level 4, Zone B
Main Building, Horse Guards Avenue, Whitehall, London SW1A 2HB
MODnet : [email address]
Internal 9621 83749
External 020 7218 3749
Dear Dr Briant,
Please see attached response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Directorate of Security & Resilience
Dear SPO DSR-Secretariat Office (MULTIUSER),
Apologies for the slow reply and thank you for the invitation to refine my request. I will do this by reducing the specificity to one company, asking only the time span, and giving a likely time range to help aid your search.... Could I request simply to know when (between the dates 2009 and 2011) Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) first obtained this status and how long the status applied to individuals within the company - ie when it ended (which is likely to have occurred some time between 2014-18).
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Your request has been logged under our reference of FOI2020/09218 and the target date for response is 11 September 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Directorate of Security & Resilience
Dear Dr Briant,
Please see attached MOD Response to your FOI Request which was logged
under our reference of FOI2020/09218.
Yours sincerely,
Directorate of Security & Resilience
Dear SPO DSR-Secretariat Office (MULTIUSER),
Thank you very much for your assistance with your request. I would like to clarify your answer to Question 2 - about how long this classified status was maintained by individuals in the company concerned. You responded:
"Under Section 16 (Advice and Assistance) and Section 21 (Information Reasonably
Accessible to the Applicant by Other Means) please note that it is Cabinet Office policy that
a Counter Terrorist Check (CTC) and a Security Check (SC) clearance must be formally
reviewed after 10 years (5 years for non-List X contractors), and that a DV clearance must
be formally reviewed after 7 years (3 years for non-List X contractors)." - however, this is general information and does not tell me how long these clearances applied to X number of individuals in this specific company. You do not have to identify specific individuals it was applied to or reveal personal data to answer my question so I request please a more complete answer to my question.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Your request has been logged under our reference of FOI2020/10473 and the target date for response is 15 October 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Directorate of Security & Resilience
Dear Dr Briant,
Please see attached MOD Response to your FOI Request which was logged under our Reference of FOI2020/10473.
Yours sincerely,
Directorate of Security & Resilience
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