Schools software provider procurement

The request was successful.


Could you please supply me the following procurement information in your capacity as a Local Education Authority under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

For each of the categories that follow, could you please answer the questions below as they relate to schools. If individual schools have their own arrangements please make that clear and provide information for each where that is available.

A. Finance systems for schools (financial management systems, FMS)
B. Budgets systems for schools (budget monitoring/planning systems)
C. School management information systems (MIS)
D. Payroll software or provider for schools
E. HR software or service for schools


1. Who is the current software or service provider?*
2. What is the existing contract spend separated into annual spend and maintenance costs, if applicable?*
3. What is the contract’s length, when does it end, how long is the procurement notice period and process length, what is the procurement system used?
4. Who is the procurement process decision maker? Please specify their name and role.
5. Do you, as a local authority, mandate (i.e. through an SLA) that your schools use a service package or supplier arranged by yourselves, or are they able to choose?
6. If schools are able to choose a software and services provider, are there any categories in which choice is mandated by you as a local authority while others are left for schools to choose, i.e. a mix and match basis?
7. If applicable, what is the system implementation provider, shared service provider or technical support provider?
8. Is there a system replacement or transformation project being planned, and if so is it to be outsourced?
9. Is there any system integration in between any of the categories mentioned?

Could you also please tell me how many schools your local authority supports, i.e. the number of local authority-maintained schools.

I would like to pre-empt any possible objections against releasing information under points marked with a star (*). In the case of disclosing information about local authority suppliers, including the amount an authority is paying, I refer to the clearly established public interest in disclosing information about transparency in the spending of public money. It is vital that public bodies are getting value for money when entering into contracts. The disclosure of how much an authority is paying for a service, particularly in the competitive market for educational software, promotes competition and makes it possible for a local authority to pay a lower rate for services. No cost needs to be broken down to the extent to which it may harm a supplier's commercial abilities.

Thank you for your help. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to reach out to me by email and I will happily clarify any points you raise.

Jack Roberts

Information Manager, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council

Ref FOI/EIR: 16631

Good Afternoon,

I acknowledge with thanks your application for information, which has been considered as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000/Enviornmental Information Regulations 2004.

As such, this may take up to 20 working days to be processed and has been passed on to an appropriate officer.

Please note as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Oldham Council is still currently handling a large volume of business-critical work, aimed towards the continued protection and safeguarding of its residents.
As such you may experience a delayed response from the business area handling your request to which we apologise in advance.

Also please be aware that in certain circumstances an exemption may apply to the information that you have requested. This also includes the possible requirement of the statutory period to supply a response, being extended in accordance with the Act.

Should you have any queries, please contact:  [Oldham Council request email]

Kind regards,

Information Management Team
Oldham Council
Level 14
Civic Centre
West Street

show quoted sections

Beckie Wylie Rothwell, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council



Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request regarding Schools
software provider procurement. Please accept my sincere apologies for the
delay in responding to you. I wanted to assure you that we are continuing
to work on providing the information requested and will respond as soon as


Kind regards,


Directorate Support Officer – People & Place / Children’s Services

show quoted sections

Beckie Wylie Rothwell, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council

Good afternoon,


Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your
Freedom of Information Request. Please see response below…


 1. Who is the current software or service provider?*

 a. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses their
own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school in order
to obtain that information.
 b. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses their
own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school in order
to obtain that information.
 c. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses their
own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school in order
to obtain that information.
 d. *iTrent /MHR
 e. *iTrent /MHR


 2. What is the existing contract spend separated into annual spend and
maintenance costs, if applicable?*

 a. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 b. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 c. The annual spend for School management information systems (MIS)
 £    97,207.30
 d. Provision delivered through council contract with MHR, and
therefore we cannot isolate the element delivered to schools.
 e. Provision delivered through council contract with MHR, and
therefore we cannot isolate the element delivered to schools.


 3. What is the contract’s length, when does it end, how long is the
procurement notice period and process length, what is the procurement
system used?

 a. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 b. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 c. Each separate agreement is bespoke to the circumstances that are
present when the contracts are prepared.
 d. Each school has an annual contract with Unity Partnership for
Payroll Services
 e. Each school has an annual contract with Unity Partnership for
Payroll Services


 4. Who is the procurement process decision maker? Please specify their
name and role.

 a. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 b. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 c. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 d. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.
 e. The council do not hold this information. Each school chooses
their own provider and a separate FOI must be made to each school
in order to obtain that information.


 5. Do you, as a local authority, mandate (i.e. through an SLA) that your
schools use a service package or supplier arranged by yourselves, or
are they able to choose?

 a. Oldham Schools are able to choose a service package or supplier.
 b. Oldham Schools are able to choose a service package or supplier.
 c. Oldham Schools are able to choose a service package or supplier.
 d. Oldham Schools are able to choose a service package or supplier.
 e. Oldham Schools are able to choose a service package or supplier.


 6. If schools are able to choose a software and services provider, are
there any categories in which choice is mandated by you as a local
authority while others are left for schools to choose, i.e. a mix and
match basis?

 a. None
 b. None
 c. None
 d. None
 e. None


 7. If applicable, what is the system implementation provider, shared
service provider or technical support provider?

 a. N/A
 b. N/A
 c. Pennine Education is the current chosen Technical support Provider for
School management information systems. This provider was chosen by
Oldham Schools not Unity Partnership nor Oldham Council.
 d. N/A
 e. N/A


 8. Is there a system replacement or transformation project being planned,
and if so is it to be outsourced?

 a. No
 b. No
 c. No
 d. No
 e. No


 9. Is there any system integration in between any of the categories



Could you also please tell me how many schools your local authority
supports, i.e. the number of local authority-maintained schools.

68 Schools Purchase their MIS through the local authority agreement.



Kind regards,

Directorate Support Officer – People & Place / Children’s Services


From: Beckie Wylie Rothwell <[email address]>
Sent: 12 January 2022 14:50
To: [FOI #808464 email]
Cc: FOI Responses <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Schools software provider
procurement- FOI 16631


Dear Jack


Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request regarding Schools
software provider procurement. Please accept my sincere apologies for the
delay in responding to you. I wanted to assure you that we are continuing
to work on providing the information requested and will respond as soon as


Kind regards,


Directorate Support Officer – People & Place / Children’s Services

show quoted sections