Schools RAC Pt1 (Academies)

The request was successful.


I hope whoever is reading this is well. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

1) Was your school, or any part of it, built between the 1960s and 1980s? Please simply answer YES or NO to this question.

2) Are you aware if there is Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in any part of the school premises? Please simply answer YES, NO or UNSURE to this question.

3) Does the school have plans to completely remove the areas with RAAC from its premises? If the answer to this question is YES, please specify the target removal year.

If the answer is NO, and your school does have RAAC, please briefly say why there are no plans to remove the material.


Jason CAUL, Bartholomew School, Witney

1 Attachment

Dear Yohannes,

Please see below for a response to your FOI.


1) Was your school, or any part of it, built between the 1960s and 1980s?
Please simply answer YES or NO to this question.



2) Are you aware if there is Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
in any part of the school premises? Please simply answer YES, NO or UNSURE
to this question.

Yes, I am aware. No, we don’t have any.


3) Does the school have plans to completely remove the areas with RAAC
from its premises? If the answer to this question is YES, please specify
the target removal year.



Kind regards,



Jason Caul                    

Strategic Resources & Projects Manager / CEOP Education Ambassador

Senior Leadership Team

Bartholomew School

Witney Road



OX29 4AP




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