Schools RAAC Pt2 (Academies)

The request was successful.


I hope whoever is reading this is well. This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

1) Was your school, or any part of it, built between the 1960s and 1980s? Please simply answer YES or NO to this question.

2) Is there any Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in any part of the school premises? Please simply answer YES, NONE or UNSURE to this question.

3) Does the school have plans to completely remove the areas with RAAC from its premises? If the answer to this question is YES, please specify the target removal year.

If the answer is NO, and your school does have RAAC, please briefly say why there are no plans to remove the material.


Rob Trowbridge, Kingsmead Academy, Taunton

Dear Yohannes

Thank you for your email of 20th October relating to information we hold about reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) at Kingsmead School.

I can confirm that we hold information in relation to your request.

Please see the response provided below:

1. Was the school, or any part of it, built between the 1960s and 1980s? YES
2. Is there any reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in any part of the school premises YES
3. Does the school have plans to completely remove the areas with RAAC from its premises? YES - this school building is no longer in use and will be demolished over the next 9 months as part of the Priority Schools Building Programme to reinstate the hard surface sports facilities.

If you are unhappy with this response, and believe the Trust has not complied with legislation, you have 40 working days from the date of this response to ask for a review. Please contact the school.
If you remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you can appeal to the Information Commissioner, who oversees compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Details of what you need to do, should you wish to pursue this course of action, are available from the Information Commissioner's website

Kind regards

Mr Rob Trowbridge
Director of Finance and Operations
Kingsmead School
Hartswell, Wiveliscombe, Taunton, TA4 2NE
T: 01984 623483

Kingsmead School believes that well-being is a priority.
There is no expectation to reply to this email outside of normal working hours.

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Dear Rob Trowbridge,

Thanks very much for your response to my request.

Could you please tell me exactly where on your school's estate the RAAC is located, and what percentage of the estate it currently covers?

When did the affected school building stop being in use - did the RAAC cause any injuries when the building was in use?

Rob Trowbridge, Kingsmead Academy, Taunton

Dear Yohannes

The RAAC is within the old Main School building where demolition is due to begin next week.

The RAAC did not cause any issues and we moved in to our new school building in September 2022.

Kind regards

Mr Rob Trowbridge
Director of Finance and Operations
Kingsmead School
Hartswell, Wiveliscombe, Taunton, TA4 2NE
T: 01984 623483

Kingsmead School believes that well-being is a priority.
There is no expectation to reply to this email outside of normal working hours.

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