Schools opting out of HPV vaccination programme and subsequent procedure

Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust (PCT) did not have the information requested.

Dear Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust (PCT),

Under the Freedom of Information Act, would you be so kind as to answer the below questions:

1) Do all girls aged 12 -13 get offered the HPV vaccine at school?
2) a) for girls accepting, do their GPs get notified of their vaccination?
b) for girls offered but not accepting the vaccine, do their GPs get notified of their non-vaccination?

If the answer to 1) is not a complete yes:

3)a) Have any schools in the area refused to allow clinicians to administer the HPV vaccine? b) If so, which?
c) If the answer to 3a) is yes, what are the reasons provided for this?
d) What is the policy/process for alternative arrangements for any schools that have opted out?
e) Please provide a copy of the official notifications, or record of that notification

4a) Have any schools in the area opted out of the HPV vaccine catch up programme at any point?
4b) If the answer to 4a) is yes, which?

Yours faithfully,


Foi Requests @BPCT, Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Dear Michelle




Thank you for your recent request for information.  This request was
received by the PCT on the 8th October 2012; we will respond to you no
later than 5th November 2012 (20 working days).




Kind regards







Sarah Beard

Engagement and Assurance Officer

NHS Bassetlaw

Retford Hospital


Direct Dial: 01777 863308

Fax: 01777 274400


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Sarah Beard - Patient & Public Involvement Officer @BPCT, Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust (PCT)







Dear Michelle




Thank you for your recent request for information.  Please note that NHS
Bassetlaw does not hold this information, therefore the information you
require will need to be sourced from Bassetlaw Health Partnership
(provider services) at Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust.


Kind regards




Sarah Beard

Engagement and Assurance Officer

NHS Bassetlaw

Retford Hospital


Direct Dial: 01777 863308

Fax: 01777 274400

Website: [1]




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