Schools Catering Contracts
Dear Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council,
I am looking to understand more and retain answers to the below questions.
Is there an SLA or county tender been awarded for catering in schools in this Local Authority?
Who is the most recent catering contractor that has been appointed by the Local Authority to caterer for Local Authority schools?
How many schools does the SLA or contract for schools catering include and what is the total value and length of the contract?
When was the current caterer first appointed in your Local Authority?
Has there been a further tendering exercise since the current contractor was first appointed? If so please state when.
Please state the academic years that the current caterer has been awarded to serve the county SLA for schools catering (total - not for one contract)
What is the total length of the current contract?
When did the current contract begin?
Is the current contract in an extension period?
Was this extension period included in the original tender that appointed the current caterer?
Was the tender for the current contract available for other catering contractors to bid on it?
Who conducted the procurement of the current contract?
Was it advertised on the OJEU?
Did it meet the full legal procurement criteria for a contract of its size?
Is the current caterer fully private sector or are they commercially or financially linked in any way with the Local Authority?
If there are commercial links please explain in what way.
I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Samuel Smith
Dear Mr S Smith,
Freedom of Information Request
Unique Reference No: FOI 7752
Thank you for your email received 9 July 2018 requesting information under
the Freedom of Information Act. I understand your request to be as
1. Is there an SLA or county tender been awarded for catering in
schools in this Local Authority?
2. Who is the most recent catering contractor that has been appointed
by the Local Authority to caterer for Local Authority schools?
3. How many schools does the SLA or contract for schools catering
include and what is the total value and length of the contract?
4. When was the current caterer first appointed in your Local
5. Has there been a further tendering exercise since the current
contractor was first appointed? If so please state when.
6. Please state the academic years that the current caterer has been
awarded to serve the county SLA for schools catering (total - not for one
contract) What is the total length of the current contract?
7. When did the current contract begin?
8. Is the current contract in an extension period?
9. Was this extension period included in the original tender that
appointed the current caterer?
10. Was the tender for the current contract available for other catering
contractors to bid on it?
11. Who conducted the procurement of the current contract?
12. Was it advertised on the OJEU?
13. Did it meet the full legal procurement criteria for a contract of its
14. Is the current caterer fully private sector or are they commercially
or financially linked in any way with the Local Authority?
15. If there are commercial links please explain in what way.
Your request is being considered as a request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. In accordance with statutory requirements, it may
take up to 20 working days (approximately 4 weeks) for the Council to
consider your request and provide a formal response. Should this 20
working day deadline need to be extended you will be notified and kept
I have passed your request to Alison Lloyd-Walsh, Head of Environmental
Development, to respond to your request and she can be contacted on 0161
342 3332 or at [1] [email address].
Please be advised that there may be a charge for your request and you will
be notified if this is the case before any costs are incurred. Should you
have any concerns about the way your response is being dealt with, please
do not hesitate to contact me in writing or by e-mail.
Freedom of Information Support
Dear Mr Smith
I am writing to confirm your Freedom of Information Request is in process
and we will endeavour to send as soon as possible.
We apologise for the delay and thank you for your patience.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries.
Freedom of Information Support
Email Disclaimer [1]
Confidentiality: This e-mail its contents and any attachments are intended
only for the above named. As this e-mail may contain confidential or
legally privileged information, if you are not, or suspect that you are
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to the above named, delete or destroy the email and any attachments
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by anyone other than the above named.
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Monitoring: The Council undertakes monitoring of both incoming and
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necessary by the organisation from time to time. The views of the author
may not necessarily reflect those of the Council.
Access: As a public body, the Council may be required to disclose this
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Visible links
Dear Mr Smith,
Request for Information – Freedom of Information
Unique Reference FOI 7752
Please find attached response in relation to your Freedom of Information
Kind regards,
On behalf of Alison Lloyd-Walsh
Confidentiality: This e-mail its contents and any attachments are intended
only for the above named. As this e-mail may contain confidential or
legally privileged information, if you are not, or suspect that you are
not the above named or the person responsible for delivering the message
to the above named, delete or destroy the email and any attachments
immediately. The contents of this e-mail may not be disclosed to nor used
by anyone other than the above named.
Security and Viruses: please note that we cannot guarantee that this
message or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted and
Monitoring: The Council undertakes monitoring of both incoming and
outgoing e-mails. You should therefore be aware that if you send an e-mail
to a person within the Council it may be subject to any monitoring deemed
necessary by the organisation from time to time. The views of the author
may not necessarily reflect those of the Council.
Access: As a public body, the Council may be required to disclose this
e-mail (or any response to it) under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
unless the information in it is covered by one of the exemptions in the
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