Dear Ms Danleme
Thank you for your request dated 17^th October regarding sanctions
relating to uniform.
We have been through our records and we do...
Dear Ms Woodham
Thank you for your FOI enquiry received on 24^th October. We have checked
our records and reply as follows:
Please provide a breakdo...
Ms Shakeel
I refer to your request for information through
Our replies are as follows:
Under the FOI Act I would like to reques...
Dear Mr Kelleher
Thank you for your FOI enquiry received on 9^th November. We have checked
our records and reply as follows:
1. Please provide the...
Mr Cundick
I refer to your request for information through,
received on 27^th February and reproduced below.
Under the Freedom of...
Information request
Our reference: 59594894
Your reference: [FOI #1027751 email]
Your ref:
27 June 2017
Dear Mr Mann,
Thank you for your email dated 3 April 2017 about Baverstock Academy,
Birmingham. Now...
Dear Ms Felsham,
We have finished processing your Freedom of Information Request for
“a copy of the governing body minutes and associated reports f...
Dear Mr Chambers
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Best wishes
Kerry McTear
Kerry McTear
Dear Mr Patel
FOI request
As requested, see attached creditor payments for financial year April
2009/March 2010 and from April 2010 to 30 November...
Dear Mr Smith,
RE: FOI 2020-05-09-01
Further to your request for information please find attached a copy of the
response form UCAS in regard t...
Dear K Magee
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 21 May
You requested:
As this has past the FOI targe...
Dear Mr Harnon,
Thank you for your request for information received on 21^st January 2013. You requested:
“a list of all UK schools, with their add...
Good morning Mr Wilson,
Thank you for your email sent to the Ofsted Information Request mailbox on
30 December 2012.
Please find attached...
Dear Louisa Lewis
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information FOI 14614
I am responding to your request for informati...
Reference 2018-0041111
Dear Henry Baker
Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 16th
October 2018. You requested...
Dear Katy Stone
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information FOI 14834
I am responding to your request for information he...
Dear Mr Burke,
ECHO number - 2013/0046694 Due date 13^th August 2013
Thank you for your request for informa...
Dear Mr Riley,
Thank you for your email dated 13 October about Statistics for schools
offering history GCSE. Apologies for the delay in replying.
Please find updated reports attached.
Benefit Service Policy Team
Corporate Resources Directorate, Customer Services
Birmingham City Council...
Dear Mr Malhotra,
Thank you for your request for information received on 11 May 2016. You requested:
“Please provide the following information for al...
Dear Dr May,
Thank you for your request for information received on 09 May 2016. You requested:
“Please can you send me a excel spreadsheet list of a...
Good afternoon Mr Tennant,
Thank you for your request for information received on 16 May 2016. You requested:
“Under the Freedom of Information Ac...
Good morning,
Thank you for your request for information received on 09 May 2016. You requested:
“We are an educational social enterprise. We are aim...
Dear Mr Pearsall
Please find attached a copy of the most recent spreadsheet we hold, which was produced yesterday. The data source, as we have already...