School uniform supplier details

The request was successful.

Dear Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre, Birmingham,

Under the FOI Act I would like to request the following information regarding the contract with your supplier(s) of sports uniform/kit:

1) How many suppliers do you have a contract with?
2) How was the contract awarded e.g. open competition, direct award? Was the local authority involved in the tender of this contract?
3) Date the contract was awarded?
4) Date the contract will expire?
5) What competitors, if any, were considered?
6) What criteria was used to select the supplier?
7) Does the school profit from the contract, e.g. as a result of uniform sales? If yes, what remuneration is received?
8) If the school has not entered into a contract with the supplier(s), what is the nature of the agreement in place?
9) Does the contract contain any clauses relating to the cost or affordability of items?
10) Please provide a copy of the contract with commercially sensitive details redacted.

Please note that redaction costs cannot be counted towards any cost limits under the FOI Act.
Please also note that for information to be withheld under Section 43 (commercial sensitivity), the following must be provided:
Details of the exact FOIA exemption – either 43.1 Trade Secrets or 43.2 Commercial Interests
Details of who would be prejudiced
A “Public Interest Test” where the arguments for and against release of the information should be discussed (as this is a “qualified” exemption).
If release of the information could prejudice a third party, they should be consulted with (see FOIA Section 45 Code of Practice Part IV)
Please also note that contracts drawn up since 2005 are supposed to include provisions requiring organisations to comply with the FOI Act

Look forward to hearing from you,
Maggie Tengey

Enquiry, Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre, Birmingham

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Dear Enquiry,
Good afternoon,
Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately, the email you have sent has been sent through a protected format so I am unable to open.

Please can you respond without the protection, in order for me to access.

Yours sincerely,


Enquiry, Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre, Birmingham

Good morning,
The school did reply to your email on the 19th October 2022 but kept
receiving bounce backs on the email address.  Please see error message
below that we received on a number of occasions using the email address
you gave in the email.

Your message to [email address] couldn't be delivered.
When Office 365 tried to send your message, the receiving email server
outside Office 365 reported an error.

The response we sent on the 19th October is below:- 

In response to your request

Temporary and permanent exclusion records are based on codes which would
not identify the reason down to such a specific level of detail.  Other
sanctions would, in the main, be recorded only in pupil records rather
than in a way that would facilitate easy assimilation of such data.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 incorporates a cost threshold of £450,
equivalent to 18 hours of work at £25 per hour, which are figures set by
the government.  If a request were to exceed this threshold the schools is
entitled to ask the applicant to either reduce the scope of their request
or, where this is not possible, refuse the request.  In this case it would
clearly require a large amount of time to analyse individual pupil
records.  If you allow ten minutes per pupil per year of records (which I
believe is a conservative estimate) and consider we have a maximum of 720
pupils in school per year the calculation would be

10 x 720 x 5 = 36000 minutes = 600 hours

This would clearly massively exceed the cost threshold for free provision
of information, therefore we decline to respond to your request.

Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre


From: maggietengey <[FOI #908259 email]>
Sent: 28 November 2022 15:56
To: Enquiry <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - School uniform supplier
Dear Enquiry,
Good afternoon,
Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately, the email you have sent
has been sent through a protected format so I am unable to open.

Please can you respond without the protection, in order for me to access.

Yours sincerely,


show quoted sections

Enquiry, Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre, Birmingham

In response to your request


The school does not hold any contracts with uniform suppliers


Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre

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