Requests similar to 'School uniform supplier details'

Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 21/11/2022, please find E‐ACT’s response...
Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information  Act 2000, dated 6 September 2022, please find attached...
Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information  Act 2000, dated 6 September 2022, please find attached...
Good morning   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 06 October 2022, please find E‐ACT’s respo...
Number of Teachers on Maternity Leave
Response by E-ACT to Emma Sheppard on .


Good afternoon I confirm receipt of your Freedom of Information request relating to maternity leave stats. I confirm that we will respond to your req...
Serious Assault on Pupils
Response by Willenhall E-ACT Academy, Willenhall to Edward Blaise on .


Good morning   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 18/10/22, please find E‐ACT’s response as...
Schools RAC Pt1 (Academies)
Response by Bourne End Academy to Yohannes Lowe on .


Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 18 October 2022, please find E‐ACT’s res...
Summary of use of OUP products
Response by E-ACT to John Coren on .

Information not held

Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 23/05/2023, please find E‐ACT’s response...
LBC: Teacher Suspension Freedom of Information Request
Response by Shenley Academy to Fraser Knight on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 8 October 2024, please find E‐ACT’s resp...
Pupils suspended for vaping
Response by Shenley Academy to Helen Hoddinott on .


Good morning While we understand your perspective and appreciate your reassurances, the E-ACT Trust has to follow the ICO guidelines which I have expl...
Is head teachers annual pay award linked to attendance
Response by E-ACT to mihaela k on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 30 October 2023, please find E‐ACT’s res...
Good morning Thank you for your email. The E-ACT Trust comprises of 29 academies across the UK, but Dartmouth Academy is not part of our Trust. Kind...
Good afternoon Thank you for your email. As per my previous email, the E-ACT Trust comprises of 29 academies across the UK, but Dartmouth Academy is...
Academy Trust Energy Procurement and Decarbonisation
Response by E-ACT to Rebecca Brown on .


Good afternoon Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 29 January 2024, please find E‐ACT’s respons...
Communications and Enquiries
Response by E-ACT to Tony Davies on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 23 October 2024, please find E‐ACT’s respons...
ICT Procurement
Response by E-ACT to Olive Pearl on .

Long overdue

Good afternoon   Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, dated 31/08/2023, please find E‐ACT’s response...
Dear Nigel I write with reference to your Freedom of Information request dated 28 September 2021. Please accept my apologies for the delay in respondi...
Biometric data
Response by E-ACT to C Tynan on .


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. The policy surrounding the handling of pupils' biometric data is contained in our Data Protection Po...
Number of pupils in informal exclusions
Response by E-ACT to C Tynan on .


I write with response to your Freedom of Information requested dated 20 January 2022. We will not be responding to your request as I applying Section 1...
Dear [Name Removed]  Further to your FOI request dated 6 March 2022 please find enclosed E-ACT’s response.   Yours sincerely   Kathryn  ...
Pakistani representation
Response by E-ACT to karamat iqbal on .


Dear Dr Iqbal   Thank you for your requests dated 2^nd January 2018, we apologise for the delay in replying to the same.  For the purpose of this...
Teaching staff joining bonus
Response by E-ACT Free Schools Trust to B.Arden on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Arden,   Further to your Freedom of Information request received on 07 April, we advise that following the migration to a new payroll syst...
Leadership Development + Headteacher Recruitment
Response by E-ACT to Samantha Fernandez on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Fernandez Thank you for your email dated 27 June 2018, and for your patience in awaiting these answers.  The answers to your questions are b...
DBS costs
Response by E-ACT to Abdul Hai on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Hai Are you looking for this information on a specific E-ACT academy? Kind regards Kate Kate Monro Governance Manager Tel: 020 3176 3911 [...
Pakistani representation
Response by E-ACT to karamat iqbal on .

Long overdue

Dear Karamat, please accept my sincere apologies that you had to send this remind. Your request is being dealt with rapidly and you will receive a res...