School timetable

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Dear Noadswood School, Southampton,

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could I be provided with a copy of the school's timetable? I do not expect staff members to be named for confidentiality, giving them numbers "Teacher 1", "Teacher 2" etc would be fine, but please could I ask that any reasons for reduced teaching commitments e.g. NQTs and members of SLT be indicated for each one. In addition, please could a list of subject codes that appear on the timetable be included as a separate document e.g. Sci = Science Mat = Maths etc.

Yours faithfully,

Mr S Cundick

Hewitt, Mr M, Noadswood School, Southampton

1 Attachment

Document attached,
Matthew Hewitt
Deputy Headteacher

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Dear Mr Hewitt,

Thank you for the time and effort taken to do this and for replying so promptly.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Cundick