School SLT (Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers) Compromise Agreements and Amounts
Dear Derbyshire County Council,
Please could you provide me with the following information regarding compromise agreements made between Derbyshire County Council and SLT staff (ie head teachers and deputy head teachers) in both primary and secondary education from 1st September 2016 until present (27th July 2017).
1) Number of staff accepting a CA in this period
2) Maximum, minimum and average settlement amounts
3) Maximum, minimum and average length of service in the related employment where a CA was signed
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Kirkland
Dear Mr Kirkland,
I write to acknowledge receipt of your request for information received on the 27 July 2017
We will be processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In accordance with the legislation, the deadline for responding is 20 working days from the receipt of the request, this being 24 August 2017. However, we shall endeavour to deal with your request promptly, and if possible before this date.
Yours Sincerely,
Justin Hird
Legal Assistant
For John McElvaney
Director of Legal Services
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
Telephone: 01629 539336
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Derbyshire County Council works to improve the lives of local people by delivering high quality services. You can find out more about us by visiting ''. If you want to work for us go to our job pages on ''. You can register for e-mail alerts, download job packs and apply on-line.
Dear Mr Kirkland
I refer to your request dated 27^th July 2017.
In order to process your request clarification is required in your request
you mention ‘compromise agreements’ could you clarify that you mean
‘settlement agreements’. I thank you in advance for your help in this
matter, I am currently liaising with the relevant Council officers and/or
departments with a view to processing your request as quickly as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Justin Hird
Legal Assistant
For John McElvaney
Director of Legal Services
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
Telephone: 01629 539336
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Derbyshire County Council works to improve the lives of local people by
delivering high quality services. You can find out more about us by
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Dear Justin Hird (Corporate Resources),
Thank you for the reply. I am referring to settlement agreements which, I understand, were formerly called compromise agreements. I would appreciate a speedy response given the initial date of the request.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Kirkland
I am currently out of the office and will return on 5th September 2017.
For Freedom of Information requests and CPS disclosure please email:
[Derbyshire County Council request email].
Please note this email will not be readin my absence.
Please tel Admin 01629 538367 or email [email address] for the
child care team.
For FOI request please email [Derbyshire County Council request email]
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Derbyshire County Council works to improve the lives of local people by
delivering high quality services. You can find out more about us by
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Dear Mr Kirkland,
Please find response to your request, I appreciate your patience in this
Kind regards Justin
Justin Hird
Legal Assistant
For John McElvaney
Director of Legal Services
Derbyshire County Council
County Hall
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Derbyshire County Council works to improve the lives of local people by
delivering high quality services. You can find out more about us by
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