School MIS System from October 2017 Census
Dear Welsh Government,
I would like to see a breakdown of which Software is used by schools to return the school census to the department e.g. their MIS Supplier.
Please could you provide the following information in an excel spreadsheet containing the following fields:
1. Local authority Number
2. Local authority Name
3. URN Number
4. School name
5. Establishment Type (ie. community School, nursery, Voluntary aided school etc)
6. Establishment phase (i.e. primary, secondary)
7. MIS Software Used
8. Numbers of pupils on roll
Please provide this information from the October 2017 Census.
Thank you in advance for your assistance
Yours faithfully,
Beverley Harrison-Cook
Dear Welsh Government,
Apologies, I have been informed the Welsh School Census only occurs once a year in January, unlike the England census. So this request can be cancelled.
Yours faithfully,
Beverley Harrison-Cook
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