Requests similar to 'School MIS System from October 2017 Census' (page 9)

Pupil Numbers
Response by Department for Education to Ben Cooper on .


Dear Mr Cooper, Thank you for your email dated 10 May 2013 about School and College Database.   Please accept our apology if the formatting of the...
Dear Ms Jones, Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 6 January. You requested:    The document you have supplied relates to...
Dear Mr Ashforth, Thank you for your request for information received on 3rd December 2012. You requested:   “I am looking to find out data of school...
Dear Ms Persson   Apologies, please find attached Annex C to the response to the above FoI request which was not included in the last e-mail.    ...
Schools List England
Response by Department for Education to Ryan on .


Dear Mr McElvaney , Thank you for your request for information received on 29^th October 2012. You requested: “    I wish to request a list of all sch...
Copies of Governor's News
Response by Liverpool City Council to Miss A Charteris on .

Partially successful

See Attachment Jawahier Sharif Ali (Fatima) Information Officer Legal Service Liverpool City Council Municipal Buildings Dale Street, L...
Llanfair Kilgeddin School Closure
Response by Monmouthshire County Council to J Govier on .


Dear Mr/Ms Govier,   Thank you for your request for information to Monmouthshire County Council regarding Llanfair Kilgeddin VA Primary School. Th...
Dear Alex Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please see our answers below, following the original questions. We also have a nu...
Dear Mr Dee Further to your request for a review, please find your response and associated documents. Kind regards Gwen Anson ​Information Governa...
Contact details for North East England
Response by Department for Education to Ian Rawlings on .


Dear Mr Rawlings, Thank you for your request for information received on 29^th November 2012. You requested:   “I would be most grateful if you could...
Information request Our reference: 880735 TRANSFER TO SECONDARY SCHOOLS 2018 Transfer 2018-19 Customers experiencing difficulty can visit any of t...
Respect For All
Response by Scottish Government to J Stewart on .


Dear Sir/Madam Apologies that you were unable to open the documents that were within Annex A that I sent on Friday. I have now attached each one here...
Dear Ms Milla-Temme , Thank you for your request for information received on 28th September 2012. You requested – “Under the Freedom of Information Ac...
PFI schemes
Response by Worcestershire County Council to Claire Wilde on .


FOI Request Response   Dear Claire Wilde FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST REGARDING:  1) For each contract, the projected to...
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - REQUEST FOR INFORMATION   In all further correspondence please quote our reference FOI-1481.    Your request...
Request for school contact information
Response by Department for Education to Stephen Woods on .


Dear Mr Woods, Thank you for your email dated 24 November 2014 about Edubase Queries. You requested: “Please provide the following information for all...
List of London schools 2016
Response by Department for Education to Cindy Asokan on .

Partially successful

Good morning, Thank you for your request for information received on 09 May 2016. You requested: “We are an educational social enterprise. We are aim...
Historical Contracts Registers
Response by Bedford Borough Council to Bo Jacobs Strom on .

Awaiting classification

Bedford BC - OFFICIAL-Unsecure Dear Bo, Please find attached the reply to your FOI Our Reference is 20543 Many kind thanks Adam Lewis Senio...
Organisational structure and contact details
Response by Chelmsford City Council to Emma Smith on .

Partially successful

Dear Emma,   Please find attached a letter with information in response to your Freedom of Information Act (2000) request reference IR 3330. Pleas...
All school telephone numbers and emails
Response by Department for Education to Emma Gatcliffe on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Gatcliffe , Thank you for your request for information received on 22^nd October 2012. You requested: “please provide me with the following in...
Please find attached schools data disclosed as part of your request.   Your sincerely,   Alastair O’Neill Information Delivery Officer Info...
Dear Mr Malhotra, Thank you for your request for information received on 11 May 2016. You requested: “Please provide the following information for al...
Dear Dr May, Thank you for your request for information received on 09 May 2016. You requested: “Please can you send me a excel spreadsheet list of a...
List of Schools and Headteachers
Response by Department for Education to Simon Tennant on .

Partially successful

Good afternoon Mr Tennant, Thank you for your request for information received on 16 May 2016. You requested: “Under the Freedom of Information Ac...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Croydon Borough Council to Brian Farnet on .


Dear Mr. Farnet, I am writing further to your email dated 30 July 2010, in which you have requested information in respect of, Freedom of Informat...