Requests similar to 'School MIS System from October 2017 Census' (page 4)

Dear Steve Mussell  Your correspondence has been allocated reference number 2017-0040330. If you need to respond to us, please visit: [1]https://ww...
I would like to see a breakdown of which Software is used by schools to return the school census to the department (i.e. their MIS Supplier) as at th...
              Information request Our reference: 41478231 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════   Dea...
S Hill, Please find attached the response and relevant documents to your recent FOI request. <<2011-11-22 Response.pdf>> <<SLA Booklet 2011-12.pdf...
Dear Sir/Madam, In response to your request for information, received on 7^th July 2011, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has provided the f...
Dear Mr Burke, .   ECHO number - 2013/0046694                                 Due date 13^th August 2013     Thank you for your request for informa...
Address of School
Response by Department for Education to Rowland Hintz on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Hintz, Thank you for your email dated 17 October 2014 about Edubase. You requested: “Please can you send me a list of all London, Bedfordshire...
Day Nursery
Response by Department for Education to Matt Haynes on .


Hi Matt   Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request.   Regards   Chris IRIS number : 201 7 -00 3 7278 Due d...
Dear Mr  Parry  Thank you for your email of 24/03/2015. You requested: “Under the freedom of information act could you please send me a list of all...
Request for list of Childcare centres
Response by Department for Education to Ankita Mehta on .

Waiting clarification

Dear Ankita Thank you for your request for information received on 1 December 2015. You requested: “Please can you provide me with a list of all Chi...
Dear Jess Thank you for your request for information received on 31 March 2016. You requested: “Please could I have in an excel sheet, a list of a...
Dear Alice   We write in response to your request for information.   We have responded below your requests:   01.Can you please provide me...
School Direct Providers and Partner Schools
Response by Department for Education to J Coninx on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Coninx   Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 16 September 2017.    You requested the following:    ...
Thank you for your email dated 29 October about the school census. You wrote: ‘Please could you provide data on MIS suppliers from the January 22 ce...
School Place Planning strategy document
Response by Hartlepool Council to John Dye on .


Dear John   Further to your request for information, I can advise as below;   Please find attached.   There is a Special Provision Free Sch...
List of Nurseries in the UK
Response by Department for Education to Adam on .

Partially successful

Hi Adam Please see the attached response Kind regards Chris Chris Noble Children & Early Years Data Team | Children’s Services and Departmental Str...
School Spends Southampton
Response by Southampton City Council to Louise McHale on .


<<RSP94986.xls>>        Dear Louise Please find <<Southampton Schools List January 2013.pdf>> attached the official response to your Freedom of Inf...
FOI requests previously submitted
Response by City of Edinburgh Council to Marie Hazlett on .

Partially successful

List of All Schools
Response by Department for Education to Iain Brown on .


Dear Mr Brown, Thank you for your request for information received on 22^nd June 2012. You requested     “ Please can the information be provided in a...
YOT Board Minutes
Response by North Lincolnshire Council to Benny Faversham on .


Dear Mr Faversham Please find below the council's response to your recent Freedom of Information Request and also our Internal Review Report, in res...
Dear James Please find attached a response to your query. Best wishes Helen hbarugh...
FOI request - Chinese embassy/government
Response by University of Leeds to Jenna Corderoy on .


--------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear Ms. Corderoy I attach the correspondence that we have in relation...
Dear Ms Smith Further to your request for information to the PCT on the diagnosis of Children and Adults with ASD's, pursuant to the Freedom of Inform...
Dear Mr/Ms [Name Removed], Thank you for your request for information received on 21^st May April 2013. You requested:   “an Excel list of all the UK...
School and Pupil Statistics for England & Wales
Response by Department for Education to Lisa Hayward on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Hayward, Thank you for your email dated 15th December 2010 regarding the following questions:- 1) The total number of primary schools in En...