School improvement plan
Dear Steiner Academy Bristol,
Please provide the school improvement plan for Steiner Academy Bristol. Please provide the original document and provide any changes or redrafts that have been made.
Yours faithfully,
Ms Darling
Dear Ms Darling
Thank you for getting in touch and for your request for "the school
improvement plan for Steiner Academy Bristol. Please provide the original
document and provide any changes or redrafts that have been made".
This email is to confirm that we have received your request and will begin
processing it immediately.
Following the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act we have 20 school working
days to either:
* Provide you with the information you have requested
* If we are unable to provide this information. To inform you as to why
we can't provide this data following exemptions present in the FOI
This information is not readily available to the general school population
and staff, therefore I will have to contact the Academy Management
Committee. If there are no issues in retrieving and sending across this
information, you should expect it by now later then Friday 18th October
If you have any questions at this time, please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Joseph Atkinson
Data Officer
Steiner Academy Bristol
Dear Avanti Garden School,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Avanti Garden School's handling of my FOI request 'School improvement plan'.
This request is delayed and long overdue. Please respond to this request as you are required to do by law.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Ms Darling
Dear Ms Darling
Thank you for getting in touch regarding the FOI for the School
Improvement Plan.
We are aware that a request was made on the 20th September 2019 for "the
school improvement plan for Steiner Academy Bristol. Please provide the
original document and provide any changes or redrafts that have been
made." from the address [1][FOI #606245 email].
However, we also received a request with the exact same wording on the
exact same date from an individual who shares the exact same identifiable
information. Therefore, we felt it appropriate to assume that the requests
were from the same person and as such replied to the request directly to
this individuals personal email, instead of using
the @[2] address. This reply was sent on the 18th
October 2019 - within the statutory time frame for replying to FOI
request. We also received confirmation that this individual had viewed the
We therefore assumed the FOI request had been met, and saw no reason to
reply to the @[3] address. However, I apologise that a
reply was not sent to the @[4] address and have added
the relevant information below. I will also pass this on to our Principal
and Data Protection Officer in response to your request for - "an internal
review of Avanti Garden School's handling of my FOI request 'School
Improvement Plan'".
Please find attached:
* The original School Improvement Plan created in January 2019
* An updated copy from July 2019 showing changes and progress
The school's current working School Improvement Plan also includes
ongoing sections which directly relate to the current day to day
operations which may impact individuals and processes within the school.
Therefore, although we are happy to share the original documents with the
updated progress and changes as of July 2019, we are unable to share the
current working section of the document. This is as the release of the
working section may have a negative impact on daily school operations.
We have come to this decision following guidance from our Data Protection
Officer and the [5]ICO website. Under Section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of
Information Act, a public authority can be exempt from sharing information
if, in the reasonable opinion of a qualified person, the sharing of this
information "would otherwise prejudice, or would be likely otherwise to
prejudice, the effective conduct of public affairs".
For local school authorities, the active Head of the Board of
Governors/Trustees acts as the 'Qualified Person'.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help further.
Many thanks
Joseph Atkinson
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #606245 email]
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