School Exclusions Statistics 2019-20

The request was successful.

No More Exclusions Research Volunteer

Dear Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham,

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following data:

1) Total number of exclusions, including fixed-term, permanent and internal exclusions (for example internal isolation units/isolation rooms)

2) Of this total:
- Number of exclusions under each reason category, as specified by the DfE’s exclusion statistics (e.g. number of exclusions due to sexual misconduct; number of exclusions due to theft, and so forth)*
- Number of exclusions during online/remote learning

3) Total number of pupils excluded

4) Of this total:
- Number of boys
- Number of girls
- Number of non-binary pupils
- Number of pupils in receipt of free school meals
- Number of pupils in each year group, respectively
- Number of pupils of each ethnicity, as specified in list of ethnicities (e.g. number of Black Caribbean pupils excluded; number of Gypsy Roma pupils excluded, and so forth)**
- Number of SEN pupils with an EHC plan
- Number of SEN pupils without an EHC plan

For the following periods:

September 1st 2019 – March 31st 2020
April 1st – July 31st 2020
September 1st 2020 – Present

*These categories can be found under the ‘Reasons for exclusion’ tab: https://explore-education-statistics.ser.... If your school uses different categories, use these instead.

**See: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.serv.... If your school uses different categories, use these instead.

If possible, please provide this data in electronic form. Thank you for your time; I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,
No More Exclusions Research Volunteer

Ly Toom, Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham

The answer is zero


From: No More Exclusions Research Volunteer
<[FOI #704934 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 2:10 PM
To: FOI requests at Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham
<[Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - School Exclusions Statistics
Dear Abbey Road Primary School, Nottingham,

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request
the following data:

1) Total number of exclusions, including fixed-term, permanent and
internal exclusions (for example internal isolation units/isolation rooms)

2) Of this total:

- Number of exclusions under each reason category, as specified by the
DfE’s exclusion statistics (e.g. number of exclusions due to sexual
misconduct; number of exclusions due to theft, and so forth)*

- Number of exclusions during online/remote learning

3) Total number of pupils excluded

4) Of this total:

- Number of boys

- Number of girls

- Number of non-binary pupils

- Number of pupils in receipt of free school meals

- Number of pupils in each year group, respectively

- Number of pupils of each ethnicity, as specified in list of
ethnicities (e.g. number of Black Caribbean pupils excluded; number of
Gypsy Roma pupils excluded, and so forth)**

- Number of SEN pupils with an EHC plan

- Number of SEN pupils without an EHC plan

For the following periods:

September 1st 2019 – March 31st 2020

April 1st – July 31st 2020

September 1st 2020 – Present

*These categories can be found under the ‘Reasons for exclusion’ tab:
[1]https://explore-education-statistics.ser.... If your school uses
different categories, use these instead.

**See: [2]https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.serv.... If your school uses
different categories, use these instead.

If possible, please provide this data in electronic form. Thank you for
your time; I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

No More Exclusions Research Volunteer


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #704934 email]

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Visible links
1. https://explore-education-statistics.ser/
2. https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.serv/