School Deregistrations

The request was partially successful.

Dear Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please can you provide the number per month of school deregistrations between the following dates:-

January - October 2019 ( inclusive)
January - October 2020 up to and including 25th October 2020 (inclusive)

Yours faithfully,

Jan O'Brien

Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

Due to the current Coronavirus outbreak you may experience delays when
making information rights requests. Please bear with us during this

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Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Important:- During this pandemic you may experience understandable delays
when making information requests. Please bear with us during this period.
Dear Jan O'Brien,

We acknowledge with thanks your request for information held by Bolton
Council received at this office on 23 October 2020.

This request will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and may take up to 20 working days to be processed (although we will
endeavour to provide the information as quickly as possible).

Please be advised that if an exemption applies to the information that you
have requested, the statutory period may be exceeded in accordance with
the provisions of the act.

Please retain the reference number RFI 006753 for any future enquiries
regarding this matter.

Many thanks

The Information Governance Team

1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU


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Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Jan O'Brien

Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Further to your request for information received at this office on 23
October 2020, I write to advise you that some of the information that you
have requested is not held by Bolton Council.
You Requested
            Please can you provide the number per month of school
deregistrations between the following dates:- January - October 2019 (
inclusive) and January - October 2020 up to and including 25th October
2020 (inclusive)

Our Response
In accordance with Section 1 (1) of the Act the Authority has a duty to
confirm whether it holds the information of the description specified in
the request and if that is the case, to have the information communicated
to the requester. Data for 2020 is not ready yet and will be available
from end of Dec20.

January – October 2019 – 5443 (this may include year 11 leavers and year 6

January – October 2020 – Information not held. Data for 2020 is not ready
yet and will be available from end of Dec20.


As per the Information Commissioners Office’s Freedom of Information Code
of Practice, should you disagree with our decision, you may appeal within
40 working days of this email to:
The Borough Solicitor, Bolton Council, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU
Email:  <[1]mailto:[email address]>
[email address]

Should you further disagree with the decision following the appeal you may
wish to contact the Information Commissioner:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545700, Fax: 01625 524510

Should you have any other queries regarding this please contact 
<[3]mailto:[email address]> [email address]

Yours sincerely

Information Governance Team

Chief Executive’s Department

1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU









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However, the recipient is responsible for virus-checking before opening
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Unless expressly stated to the contrary, any views expressed in this
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the views of Bolton Council.


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