School Closures

The request was successful.

The Ferret Media Ltd

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Please provide a list of the schools in your council area which have been temporarily or permanently closed over the last five years because one or more school buildings was deemed unsafe.

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Mann

Acknowledge email,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your information request.

If you are making a request for information under FOI(S)A we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.

If you are making a request for environmental information under EIRs we
will aim to respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.
However, for requests of a complex nature it could take us up to 40
working days. If so we will write and tell you this.

If you are making a request for information under DPA/GDPR we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of one month except in the case of
complex or numerous requests in which case this period may be extended by
up to a further two months. If so we will write and tell you this.

Information Requests Privacy Notice: [1]

Aberdeenshire Information Enquiries


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Acknowledge email,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your information request.

If you are making a request for information under FOI(S)A we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.

If you are making a request for environmental information under EIRs we
will aim to respond within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.
However, for requests of a complex nature it could take us up to 40
working days. If so we will write and tell you this.

If you are making a request for information under DPA/GDPR we will aim to
respond within the statutory timeframe of one month except in the case of
complex or numerous requests in which case this period may be extended by
up to a further two months. If so we will write and tell you this.

Information Requests Privacy Notice: [1]

Aberdeenshire Information Enquiries


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Education, Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Jamie

With regards to your recent Freedom of Information Requestion, below,
dated 22 February 2023, can you please confirm if this includes closures
of schools for less than a week due to maintenance issues such as burst
pipes, storm damage etc.

Thank you.


Kind Regards


Freedom of Information Coordinator

Aberdeenshire Council

Education & Children’s Services


[1]Freedom of Information Request - Aberdeenshire Council



Please provide a list of the schools in your council area which have been
temporarily or permanently closed over the last five years because one or
more school buildings was deemed unsafe.


This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender,
deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of
Aberdeenshire Council.

Dh’fhaodadh fiosrachadh sochaire, a tha a-mhàin airson an neach gu bheil
am post-dealain air a chur, a bhith an seo. Ma tha thu air am post-dealain
fhaighinn mar mhearachd, gabh ar leisgeul agus cuir fios chun an neach a
chuir am post-dealain agus dubh às am post-dealain an dèidh sin. ’S e
beachdan an neach a chuir am post-dealain a tha ann an gin sam bith a
thèid a chur an cèill agus chan eil e a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad a’
riochdachadh beachdan Chomhairle Shiorrachd Obar Dheathain.



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The Ferret Media Ltd

Dear Education,

Yes, please include all clsoures.

Yours sincerely,

The Ferret Media Ltd

Education, Aberdeenshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear Jamie Mann 


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“The Act”) 


We refer to your request dated 22/02/2023 13:20, for the following
information regarding Schools Permanently/Temporarily Closed due to Unsafe


We confirm that the Council holds the following information, which we
believe satisfies your request. 


Please provide a list of the schools in your council area which have been
temporarily or permanently closed over the last five years because one or
more school buildings was deemed unsafe. 

Gartly School was officially closed on 23 January 2023. This decision
followed the completion of a statutory consultation undertaken in line
with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The decision was not
called-in by Scottish Ministers and the Council received consent to
implement its decision on 18 January 2023.  All documentation relating to
the closure of Gartly School and the reasons can be accessed on the
Aberdeenshire Council Website: [1]Publications - Aberdeenshire Council.  


Please also find attached a list of all temporary school closures over the
last five years.   Please note this does include bus route change
notifications as we are unable to filter given the way the information is


Please contact me as the officer responsible for responding to your
request if you have any further queries. 


If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with this response, please refer
to the further information below. 



Yours faithfully 




Freedom of Information Co-ordinator 

Education & Children's Services 




Further Information: 

Aberdeenshire Council’s Review Procedure under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland)
Regulations 2004 can be accessed at the following link:




This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use
of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender,
deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely
those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of
Aberdeenshire Council.

Dh’fhaodadh fiosrachadh sochaire, a tha a-mhàin airson an neach gu bheil
am post-dealain air a chur, a bhith an seo. Ma tha thu air am post-dealain
fhaighinn mar mhearachd, gabh ar leisgeul agus cuir fios chun an neach a
chuir am post-dealain agus dubh às am post-dealain an dèidh sin. ’S e
beachdan an neach a chuir am post-dealain a tha ann an gin sam bith a
thèid a chur an cèill agus chan eil e a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad a’
riochdachadh beachdan Chomhairle Shiorrachd Obar Dheathain.



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