We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Paul Baker please sign in and let everyone know.

School admission appeals

We're waiting for Paul Baker to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Hawarden High School,

This is a request under the freedom of information act.
Please can you advise on what previous grounds have pupils been accepted on appeal for admission to Hawarden High School?

Are there or has there been any pupils admitted to the school on the sibling rule where it was applied as the older sibling was in year 12/13?

Yours faithfully,

Paul Baker

Lisa Donnelly, Hawarden High School

Thank you for your email.


Your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act has now
been considered and the information requested is detailed below. 

In response to Question 1 (Please can you advise on what previous grounds
have pupils been accepted on appeal for admission to Hawarden High
The admissions process for Hawarden High School is held independently from
the school.  As such, the school is not aware of the grounds for which an
appeal is granted.  The independent appeals panel comes to their decision
on the basis of the evidence presented to them from both the
parents/carers and the local authority; the school is not privy to any of
this information.

In response to Question 2 (Are there or has there been any pupils admitted
to the school on the sibling rule where it was applied as the older
sibling was in year 12/13?)
The Local Authority changed the criteria for admissions in 2014 so that
the sibling rule only applied to those children of statutory school age.
 Therefore since that date there have been no children admitted on the
basis of the sibling rule where the older sibling was in the Sixth Form.

Lisa Donnelly

PA to Headteacher

Hawarden High School

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Paul Baker please sign in and let everyone know.