Requests similar to 'SCCL VIP Lane'

DHSC taking legal action against PPE firms
Request sent to Department of Health and Social Care by Christopher White on .

Awaiting classification

Please could you confirm if the DHSC has taken legal action against any of these firms that provided PPE during the Pandemic - with much of it deemed n...
Special advisers
Response by Cabinet Office to Jenna Corderoy on .


Dear Jenna Corderoy, Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request (reference FOI2021/22769). Yours sincerely,...
Dear Sir/Madam, Sorry for the delay in processing your FOI request. Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your...
Board of Trade meetings
Response by Department for International Trade to Joseph Lloyd on .

Partially successful

Dear Joseph Lloyd,   Please find attached the response from the Department for International Trade to your internal review requests.   Kind re...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health an...
FOI request - Chinese embassy/government
Response by University of Leeds to Jenna Corderoy on .


Dear Ms. Corderoy,   I refer to your FoI request set out below and apologise for the delay in responding. The University holds the following docum...
Tier 2 (General) COS Issued by Nationality
Response by Home Office to Aditi on .


Dear Aditi   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind regards  ...
Tier 2 (General) COS Issued Per Year
Response by Home Office to Aditi on .


Dear Aditi   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind regards  ...
Dear Mr Scott, With apologies for the delay, please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your FOI request (our ref:...
Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Response by Home Office to A Nasir on .


Dear A Nasir   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind regards  ...
Dear Iqbal, Thank you for your request for information regarding a full list of suppliers; please find our response attached. If you have any querie...
Mar 2017 Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Response by Home Office to A Nasir on .


Dear Sir or Madam   FOI 43253   Please find attached a response to your FOI enquiries of 18 March 2017.   Regards   CCT FOI team  ...
Please find attached files from Cc Cz - G L   From: CRB Freedom Of Information Sent: 27 October 2011 10:49 To: 'Archie Taylor' Subject: Freedom...
Companies doing DBS checks
Response by Disclosure and Barring Service to Bob Robert on .


Good morning, Thank you for contacting the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Freedom of Information (FOI) team. I can confirm your request has bee...
Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsor Licence Holders
Response by UK Border Agency to A Nasir on .

Partially successful

Dear A Nasir,   Please find the attached in response to your request made under the Freedom of Information Act.   Kind regards   Freedom o...
Special advisers

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Corderoy, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2021/30423, received 9th November. Please find our response att...
  Dear Ms Smith   FOI Request ref:  4353 /Structure Charts   Thank you for your request for information about the above, which has been deal...
Care homes and the coronavirus
Response by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to Jack Everett on .

Partially successful

Dear James Rilett,     Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Freedom of Information Request 86-2021     Thank you for your request for informat...
Media monitoring
Response by Greater London Authority to Abdul Hai on .


Dear Mr Hai Please see attached documents. Yours sincerely Information Governance Officer -----------------------------------------------------...
Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Response by UK Border Agency to A Nasir on .


Dear A Nasir   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind Regards  ...
Dear Mr MacArthur, Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your FOI request (our ref: FOI-1375236). I apologise...
Expenditure or Payment to Supplier
Response by City of Edinburgh Council to R. McCombe on .


Link: [1]File-List R McCombe   [2][FOI #757387 email]   Our ref: 32571   Dear R McCombe   Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002...
All Invoices over £500.00
Response by Cornwall Council to Rose Woodward on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Woodward, Please find attached a letter formally enclosing the Council's response to your request for information under the Freedom of Inf...
Dear Alice   We write in response to your request for information.   We have responded below your requests:   01.Can you please provide me...
China visits
Response by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to Dean Kirby on .


Dear Mr Kirby,   Please find attached the response to your request for information.   Please accept my sincere apologies for exceeding the dead...