Sanctions related to uniform
Dear Colmers School and Sixth Form College, Birmingham,
Under the FOI Act I would like to request the following information regarding sanctions and other punishment (e.g. detention, isolation, withdrawal of privileges, expulsion, exclusion) issued by the school in relation to uniform.
1) Please provide a breakdown, for each of the last five academic years, including the current academic year, of all punishments issued for misconduct relating to uniform (e.g. wearing wrong uniform, not wearing uniform, wearing forbidden items, etc). For each incident please provide:
The nature of the punishment
The nature of the misconduct
Whether it related to school uniform or sports kit or another aspect of uniform policy
If you are unable to provide a breakdown of each incident, please provide summary totals for each academic year with the same breakdown.
If you are unable to provide annual totals, please provide details of the system used to track student behaviour and how that is monitored by staff, e.g. how they are able to identify those students who have been sanctioned most often.
Yours faithfully,
Mashal Shakeel
Dear Mashal
Thank you for your request for information received on 17^th October
We have conducted a search of our data and have attached our response.
If you have any comments relating to how your request has been handled by
our school, please contact Nuala Fowke PA to the Headteacher, on .
Yours sincerely,
Laura Robinson
Business Admin Manager
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