Sales Figures - Advanced Wound Care Framework

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, DHL Supply Chain Limited should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear DHL Supply Chain Limited,

Please could you provide sales figures since the commencement of the NHS Supply Chain Advanced Wound Care Framework effective 2021 for the following NPC's:

ELA078, ELA1019, ELA111, ELA1303, ELA182, ELA184, ELA185, ELA187, ELA277, ELA336, ELA337, ELA339, ELA340, ELA341, ELA342, ELA383, ELA429, ELA577, ELA617, ELA649, ELA713, ELA715, ELA722, ELA723, ELA724, ELA725, ELA782, ELA783, ELA831, ELS657, ELY873, ELA1020, ELA1021, ELA1102, ELA1103, ELA1104, ELA1105, ELA1106, ELA1166, ELA1167, ELA1168, ELA1169, ELA1170, ELA1171, ELA1172, ELA1306, ELA1385, ELA1434, ELA272, ELA516, ELA517, ELA518, ELA520, ELA523, ELA711, ELA779, ELA781, ELA822, ELA823, ELA824, ELA825, ELA826, ELA827, ELA828, ELA829, ELA830, ELY875

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Liam Fray

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