We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Mann please sign in and let everyone know.

Sale of University Assets

We're waiting for Jamie Mann to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear University of Glasgow,

1) Please provide me with a list of all the publicly-owned assets that your institution has sold in the previous five years, in Excel spreadsheet form.

Please include the criteria included in Edinburgh City Council's Asset Register: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/downloads/fi...

For each sold asset, please also include:

–The sale price
–The buyer
–The date of sale

2) Please provide me with a list if all all the assets currently owned by your institution in the same format (or please provide a link if publicly available).

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Mann

FOI Office,

Dear Jamie Mann,

Thank you for your email which was received by the University on 4 November 2019 timed 12:25 hours.

As the University of Glasgow is a Scottish Public Authority, your request is subject to the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 ("FOISA"). The University acknowledges receipt of your request and confirms a response will be sent to you promptly; and in any event not later than 2 December 2019. The Freedom of Information Office will contact you if we require any further information.

Yours sincerely

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office

Direct Line: +44 (0)141 330 2523
Email: [University of Glasgow request email]

University of Glasgow (Tay House)
Glasgow G12 8QQ

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

Dear FOI Office,

Please can you update me on this overdue request?

Yours sincerely,

Jamie Mann

FOI Office,

Dear Mr Mann,

Apologies, we are still collating a response to your request and will issue this as soon as it is ready.

Yours sincerely

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office

Direct Line: +44 (0)141 330 2523
Email: [University of Glasgow request email]

University of Glasgow (Tay House)
Glasgow G12 8QQ

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

show quoted sections

FOI Office,

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Mann,

Please find attached the University's response to your Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 request dated 4 November 2019 timed 12:25 hours. We apologise for the delay in issuing this response to you and any inconvenience caused by this delay.

Yours sincerely,

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office

Direct Line: +44 (0)141 330 2523

University of Glasgow
Tay House
Glasgow G12 8QQ

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401


Thanks for your response. For clarity, I was looking for all assets sold by the university during the last five years. As the University of Glasgow is a public institution, I had deduced that all assets could be considered public.

Please can you confirm whether you have sold any land and property assets over the last five years?

Yours sincerely,

Jamie Mann

FOI Office,

Dear Jamie Mann,

Thank you for your email which was received by the University on 9 December 2019 timed 15:32 hours requesting a Review of our actions.

The University acknowledges receipt of your Request for a Review and confirms that a response to your request for Review will be sent to you promptly; and in any event not later than 6 January 2010, as required under the terms of FOISA.

The University will contact you if the University requires any further information.

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office

Direct Line: +44 (0)141 330 2523

University of Glasgow
Tay House
Glasgow G12 8QQ

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

FOI Reviews,

1 Attachment

Please find attached a response to your request for a review of the
University’s response to your Freedom of Information request.


This email account is not monitored, please do not reply to this


If you wish to make an FOI request please contact:


Email: [1][University of Glasgow request email]


If you wish to submit an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
please contact:


Website: [2]www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal




Visible links
1. mailto:[University of Glasgow request email]
2. http://www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal

Dear FOI Reviews,

Many thanks for your response and clarification. Please can I open a new request for all the land and property assets – regardless of whether they are considered private or public by the University – sold in the last five years?

Please provide this in spreadsheet form, and using the same criteria as I previously requested (using Edinburgh City Council's sheet register as an example).

Yours sincerely,

Jamie Mann

FOI Reviews,

This email account is not monitored, please do not reply to this message.


If you wish to make an FOI request please contact:


Email: [University of Glasgow request email]


If you wish to submit an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
please contact:


Website: [1]www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal




Visible links
1. file:///tmp/www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Jamie Mann please sign in and let everyone know.