Salary for professors

The request was successful.

Rebecca Pinnington

Dear University College London,

Please provide details on professors' salaries. If you need to retract names from the information, that is acceptable. However please indicate gender and teaching department. I would prefer this information for the most recent financial year.

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Pinnington

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

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expect a response from us within 20 working days.
Data Protection & FOI
Legal Services

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

Dear Rebecca Pinnington

I am writing in response to your request which we received on the 12 January. The requested the following information:

Please provide details on professors' salaries. If you need to retract names from the information, that is acceptable. However please indicate gender and teaching department. I would prefer this information for the most recent financial year.

Unfortunately we cannot identify the information you requested from the details you have provided. For example, are you seeking the actual salary for each professor or salary scales which are applied to this particular staff group?

By way of assistance, the University already publishes salary scales and other staffing statistics which you may find useful.

Once we have received your clarification we will consider your request and you will receive information to which you are entitled within the statutory timescale of 20 working days of this letter.

The Act contains a number of exemptions that permit us to restrict the disclosure of information. If any exemption does apply to your request, it is possible that some or all of the information will not be released. If this is the case, you will be informed, and told about your right of appeal. In any case we will always try to assist you as much as possible with your request.

Further information on the Freedom of Information Act is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office:

Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone 01625 545700

Yours sincerely,

Spenser Crouch
Data Protection & Freedom of Information Administrator
Legal Services, Finance & Business Affairs, UCL | Gower Street | London | WC1E 6BT
Internal Address: 6th floor | 1-19 Torrington Place | London | WC1E 7HB

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Rebecca Pinnington

Dear Finance.FOI Requests,

Thank you for your quick response. I'd like actual salaries rather than the salary scale information, averages will not be useful.

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Pinnington

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

3 Attachments

Dear Rebecca,


Please find attached a response to your request for information.





Alex Daybank

Data Protection & FOI

Legal Services

University College London





     Dear Finance.FOI Requests,


     Thank you for your quick response. I'd like actual salaries rather

     than the salary scale information, averages will not be useful.


     Yours sincerely,


     Rebecca Pinnington



show quoted sections