
The request was successful.

Dear Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman,
Please outline the following

1. The annual salary for the Ombudsman Margaret Kelly
2. the annual Salary for Sean Martin
3. The annual salary of John Mc Ginnity

4. the total number of staff working at NIPSO

5.the total amount of money spent on all NIPSO staff annually, last 3 years.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

Dear Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman,

Just a reminder that this FOI must be acknowledged and answered as per FOI law. I will not wait indefinitely.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan

Smyth, Greg, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Corrigan


By email to: [1][FOI #849154 email]


Re      Information Request (IR20210089)


I refer to you email of the 30 March 2022, in which you requested the
following information:


“1. The annual salary for the Ombudsman Margaret Kelly


2. the annual Salary for Sean Martin


3. The annual salary of John McGinnity


4. the total number of staff working at NIPSO


5.the total amount of money spent on all NIPSO staff annually, last 3


In assessing you request I have determined that this is a request for
information which is subject to the section 1(1), of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.



My Response


Question 1, 2, 3 and 5


The details of salaries for the members of staff which you have identified
are recorded in the Annual Accounts for NIPSO.  I have attached a copy of
these for the years “2019-20” and “2020-21”, which will provide you with
the details of this request for information over the 3 year period which
you have sought.


│Page Numbers │2019-20 │2020-21 │
│Q1, 2, 3 │Page 31 │Page 31 │
│Q5 │Page 37 │Page 37 │


Question 4


NIPSO has 54 members of staff in total.





If you are not satisfied with this response to your request, you may ask
for an internal review within two calendar months of the date of this
letter. You should contact:


Mr John McGinnity

Director of Corporate Services

Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman’s Office

Progressive House

33 Wellington Place



Email: [2][email address]


If you are not content with the outcome of any internal review requested
by you, you then have the right to apply directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane






Yours sincerely



Gregory Smyth


Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman's Office
Progressive House | 33 Wellington Place | Belfast | BT1 6HN
+ Email: [3][email address]
' Telephone: 0800 343424


Please note, we are currently taking steps to manage the unprecedented
circumstances we are all experiencing in relation to the Coronavirus
(COVID-19) situation.  Like most others, including our fellow public
sector service providers, this is impacting on our ability to provide our
full normal service.

We are continuing to provide our services but please be aware that our
office is now closed and our staff are working from home.  We are still
responding to emails and phone enquiries but due to the impact on our
staff, our response times will be affected.





Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #849154 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]