Safeguarding referrals received
Dear Kent County Council,
I would like to ask the following:
Local Authorities in England & Wales Question:
Between the dates of 1st Jan 2020 and 1st of February 2021 how many safeguarding referrals* have been received from the following organisations "Department for Work & Pensions", "Centre for Health & Disability Assessments also known as Maximus", "ATOS also known as Independent Assessment Services" and "Capita"?
*Adult Safeguarding Referrals only
Local Authorities in Scotland Question:
Between the dates of 1st Jan 2020 and 1st of February 2021 how many "Adult Support & Protection" referrals have been received from the following organisations "Department for Work & Pensions", "Centre for Health & Disability Assessments also known as Maximus", "ATOS also known as Independent Assessment Services" and "Capita"?
Yours faithfully,
Michael Carroll-Owen
Information request
Our reference: 19809931
Dear Mr Carroll-Owen
Thank you for your request for information received on 17 February 2021.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Kelly Leeson
Information Access Officer - Information Resilience & Transparency Team
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
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