Safeguarding children in Northern Ireland

Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland did not have the information requested.

BBC Shared Data Unit

Dear Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland,

Please treat this email as a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
1) For each financial quarter since April 2018, how many children have died in Northern Ireland in cases where abuse and/or neglect were suspected or confirmed?

If you cannot provide figures for this exact date range, please provide data for the closest available date range and state clearly the dates that it covers.

By quarter I am referring to the following:

2018-19 (Q1 = April to June, Q2 = July to September, Q3 = October to December, Q4 = January to March)

2019-20 (Q1 = April to June, Q2 = July to September, Q3 = October to December, Q4 = January to March)

2020-21 ((Q1 = April to June, Q2 = July to September (please include the date in September data is correct to)

2) Broken down by financial quarter, how many of the children in question 1 had been referred to the Health and Social Care Trust prior to their death?

3) Broken down by financial quarter, how many of these children were in the care, or partial care of social services teams?

4) For your answer to question 1 above, for each financial quarter, please can you disclose how many were:
a) Babies (under 1 year old)
b) Toddlers/pre-school (between 1 and 4 years old)
c) Primary school age (4-11)
d) Secondary school age (11-18)

The next question is about referrals to the Health and Social Care Trust.
By “referral” I include those made officially by practitioners, teachers etc and any calls that may have been made via any publicly accessible helpline, website or online reporting form, whether anonymously or not.

5) For each quarter from April 2018 to September 2020, how many referrals were made about children to the Health and Social Care Trust?
If you cannot provide a figure for this exact date range, please provide data for the closest available date range and state clearly the dates that it covers

Please provide the data in an Excel spreadsheet, filetype .xlsx, .xls or .csv. Please do not use a pdf.

Yours faithfully,

BBC Shared Data Unit

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

1 Attachment

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Sir/Madam,


Ref: Freedom of Information Request: No. FOI 1131 20


Thank you for your request for information. Your request was received by
the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) on 7^th September 2020. Your
request will be processed under the terms of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, within the statutory timescale of 20 working days.


The leaflet attached is provided for your information and tells you about
the legislation and our procedures for dealing with requests for


If you have any queries about this communication, please do not hesitate
to contact me.  It would be helpful if you could quote the reference
number above in any future communications relating to this request for


I trust you find this helpful.


Yours sincerely,



Sent by David Johnston on behalf of



Mr Peter Moran

Assistant Information Governance Manager


Western Office

show quoted sections

David Johnston, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

2 Attachments

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please find attached the response to your request for information.




Sent by David Johnston on behalf of


Mr Peter Moran

Assistant Information Governance Manager


Western Office


show quoted sections