
The request was successful.

Dear Argyll College UHI,

How many students have you enrolled in your college in the following academic years, in the knowledge that they were listed on the Sex Offenders Register at that time?
2017-18 (to date)

How many of these students were subject to a MAPPA plan or similar conditions?

How many of these students failed to adhere to the conditions applied?

How many of these students attained the qualification they were seeking?

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Maclean

Elaine Munro, Argyll College UHI

1 Attachment

Dear Mrs MacLean, I can confirm that Argyll College UHI Ltd has not
enrolled any student who was listed on the sex offenders register, in any
of the years you listed in your request.


Kind regards, Elaine





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Dear Elaine,
Thanks for your rapid and clear response.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Maclean