SAB SSIF funding application and school improvement plan

The request was partially successful.

Dear Cabot Learning Federation,

Please provide the SSIF funding application agreement document between the DfE and Cabot Learning Federation and the school improvement plan for the academy currently known as Steiner Academy Bristol.

Please provide the original documents and provide any changes or redrafts that have been made.

Yours faithfully,

Ms Darling

Wendy Hellin - CLF Central,

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Emergency Fund Application form template Word doc STEINER BRISTOL 15 Mar 2019.pdf

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Dear Ms Darling

As requested please find attached the SSIF funding application for Cabot Learning Federation / Steiner Academy Bristol.

The School Improvement Plan for Steiner Academy Bristol was written by senior staff at Steiner Academy Bristol. Your request for a copy of that document should be directed to Steiner Academy Bristol.

Best Wishes


Wendy Hellin
Corporate Services Team

Cabot Learning Federation | Federation House | Brook Road | Bristol BS15 4JT
E: [Cabot Learning Federation request email] | W:

Please note my normal working days are Monday to Thursday.

“Embedding Excellence”

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